Monday, March 10All That Matters

[OC] online multiplayer is so fun


  • This is a huge reason I just decided to sell my xbox. I really liked playing online shooters but holy fuck I’m not equipped for this shit. After so many sessions it starts to annoy you and eventually you become that toxic angry asshole. Luckily I never used a mic because fuck spreading that negative shit to others.

  • Word of advice: play single player games,yes the raiders and bandits insult you,but unlike those people online,you can have the pleasure of turning thier head into red goo

  • Aaaand that’s why I prefer off-line single player games now. I didn’t like the constant shit talking of online multi-player games when I was a teen, much less now that I’m 34.

  • Then there are the hardcore players who dominate complaints. “The sword of foo gives 2.4 DRF with IRD and foog enabled. This is a huge drop in DRF when it used to be 2.42 before the Lord Frobozz ruined the game. I can only hit 2.411 with lowblo enabled. Your devs suck!”

  • I used to play online games a lot when i was in my teens. This post made me realize that i’ve done it less and less over the years, to the point of having actual anxiety of playing with / against real people (other than my friends)

    99% of the time shit talking does not bother me, but that 1%, that damn 1% can be brutal.

  • If you hate toxic multiplayer, then go try out deep rock galactic! Haven’t had a single toxic moment in about over 200 hours! Rock and Stone my brothers!

  • This man needs some rock and stone.
    Edit: go buy Deep Rock Galactic. 100% cooperative with a huge emphasis on team synergy, great community, could count the number of toxic interactions on one hand some hundred hours in.

  • Or rather: waiting 30 mins to get into a match, after first round, half your team just left and the opposing team are tryharders that won’t just relax and have fun with you when you are alone…

  • Honestly I have basically quit playing online multiplayer games because of this. Communities are so toxic and it just gets old.

    I don’t like spending my time after work being stressed out again.

  • Online multiplayer has been dead to me since every game started using ranking systems. I just want to have fun but now everyone only cares about winning now to rank up. In the golden age of online multiplayer games people played to have fun. Fun is no longer an important element.

    For example, I really enjoy Rocket League but you can’t really play it anymore without ranking up as your goal. I only play private matches with friends the last few years because of this.

  • TBH, ,online multiplayer games are a chore.
    You go in, and do the same thing over and over to ‘level’ up or unlock gear that will disappear within the ‘season’ Afterwards? Do the whole process again until the new one comes out.

    IT’s pointless. I never got into it. I enjoy going into a lobby and playing a few games and then just leaving. I could care less if I won or loss. I’ll try to my best. But if I don’t win? Oh well.

    I prefer single players games where I can finish them and move on to another game.
    Though for a ‘serious’ competitive gaming experience, I play fighting games. At least it’s a 1v1. My skills against the opponents. No needing to hope my party is good.

  • Me playing League right now.

    Studied for 3 months… get a month off… ok, great; play League.

    Say nice things like “glhf”, “good shit, [player name]”, “we got this”, etc. Try not to be too hard on yourself because you’re new to the game.

    Well, when a game is going well, it’s pretty okay, but when a game is not meeting their expectations, boy oh boy, here come the harassment. Namecalling (meaning lots of asterisks), constantly typing to the player not doing well, ceaselessly questioning their decision-making, blaming each other for this or that, pointing out the scoreboard and how their argument is magically the correct one and their harassment justified because their numbers look better. Some people who typed at the beginning of the game, just stop communicating entirely.

    I feel like that meme with the large-eyed, derp dog saying ,”this is fiiine”, after each game as I type out “gg” in post-game chat.

    I just came out of game that went really well and we won. The one prior to that went really well and we lost. And you can tell the effect losing something has on people.

    But this game is fun, there’s just this threshold of figuring it out. I haven’t removed chat yet because I’m still making up my mind, I can always do it later.

  • My friends have a hard tine understanding why I refuse to game with them most of the time.

    I, on the other hand, have a hard time understanding why they spend 4 hours in call screaming at each other over League.

    Oh well, I guess some things will always remain a mystery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • I have a panic disorder so any anxiety makes my brain turn to shit. Video games, especially online competitive ones, will cause tons of anxiety. No more relaxing with that anymore. Recently got medical marijuana though so hopefully I find a strain that allows me to try and get told to kill myself soon from little kids.

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