[oc] I was already iffy about zoos but after taking this shot I don’t think I want to go anymore
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[oc] I was already iffy about zoos but after taking this shot I don’t think I want to go anymore
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Frankly, most of us look like this after work too.
More seriously there are also animals that are only alive because of zoos and their breeding programs, and the awareness and love of animals and habitat they instill in young visitors does so much good in the world.
Depends. Burgers Zoo Arnhem, Netherlands has a big colony of chimpansees, on a large water surrounded island. One big family group, living as a natural group in almost natural setting Has been studied for decades for behavioural studies (Jan van Hooff, Frans de Waal)
Reminds me of Britta Jaschinski’s work, haunting
I’d encourage you to visit your local zoo and talk with some of the employees. Based on this post, you might find it to be a welcomingly positive experience.
Private zoos can be a hellish nightmare, but the overwhelming majority of public zoos put huge effort toward creating comfortable, richly engaging environments for the animals that they keep. In many, many cases, the animals that they keep are rescued from death or misery, and the research that zoos do is often extremely vital.
The image you’ve posted up there doesn’t necessarily tell the story that you’re reading from it.
So I know there are good zoos and bad zoos, is there a website that can tell you the good and bad ones?
I could always do the research for my home zoo but I travel a lot and can’t really do it for every city I go to, but I wouldn’t mind a zoo trip while only there.
LA ZOO 20ish years ago, in the enclosed bird exhibit. Look in the water and see a hot wheel that was covered in thick moss, meaning it had been there a long time without being cleaned. Broke my heart, didn’t go back. Santa Barbara Zoo on the other hand is small, manageable, clean and animals genuinely seemed to be much healthier. It isn’t the concept of zoo, rather there are way too many managed poorly based on bad profit incentives or completely dependent on shrinking donations.
Things like habitat loss and poaching are why these places exist. Now you’ve got people like Joe Exotic masquerading as an animal conservation, which is an absolute sham. Then you’ve got people that have dedicated their lives to finding a way to try and preserve species while also fighting to get the animals back to their native lands.
It’s complex to say the least, stuff like this should drive awareness of why these places have animals and maybe get people thinking about what they might be able to do to help?
Depends on the zoo. Zoos for entertainment only are not good since theyre just profiting off animals and dont always treat them well or give them what they need to thrive. (think SeaWorld kinda deal). Zoos for conservation tend to be accreddited and many run programs that are like a wildlife rehab type deal where they have animals and rehab them, but they get released to the wild later. Or if they cant be, they stay in the zoo and are treated properly unlike seaworld type zoos. Their conservation efforts have saved thousands of species from extinction.
The association of zoos and aquariums have guidelines their zoos and aquariums follow and they are generally the good places to go to since their purpose is the safe and effective conservation and protection of animals, and a large part of what the AZA does is using money and resources to protect animals in the wild, like investing resources to stop poaching. Your patronage to AZA zoos helps support that.
TLDR; go to a zoo accreddited by the association of zoos and aquariums. Theyre much better and work to protect and rehabilitate animals.
You are not at a zoo. You are at a roadside attraction.
Good zoos are actually pretty good for the animals with nice habitats built in. Private zoos, like Tregembo Animal Park in Wilmington, NC., are terrible and generally mistreat their animals.
Chimp sitting = depressed animal abuse?
Don’t demonize zoos because you anthropomorphize animal behavior. Stereotypic behaviors can represent stress and boredom but this chimp is actually relaxing.
I get that this is a shot meant to start a conversation, but it has to be said, animals aren’t the same as us. We often mistake animal behaviour for something a human would do. To us this chimp looks tired/bored, but maybe he’s just sitting/resting.
Maybe this guy is bummed out because his girlfriend dumped him and not because he lives in a zoo. I’m not defending zoos as a blanket statement but you also can’t indict all zoos from one picture.
chimps literally sit like this. he looks tired. you think chimps in the wild are having a blast ? they usually just sit all day abd move on to food periodically. you should find putnthere story. this little guy could of been in danger or can’t return to the wild or he could die
This is extremely naive to think that all zoos are bad
And a picture of a monkey sitting down? Revolutionary
Primates do this in the wild too. Just stare at a bug crawling across the floor. Or stare at their genitals. Or whatever.
The most human thing is to think too hard about something that actually most likely doesn’t mean anything, and try to find meaning in it.
And oh, we do find meaning. Made up meaning. This is to be human. And we shoot ourselves in the foot being human by getting worked up over nothing.
Like Paul McCartney said about sex, animals find it extremely simple….we just make it hard(difficult).
We make everything into a huge deal.
Ape Holding iPhone
Depends on the zoo. Zoo Miami has a awesome place for them.
[ZOO MIAMI](https://youtu.be/H1Vnjl47mtA)
monke look sad,but monke look at ant.
Isnt this how humans look much of the time too.
Ever visited an office for example
Look for AZA accredation, it’s hard to get and easy to lose. I understand your sentiment though, but being adjacent to the zoo community I’ve got some perspective. Many zoos also have breeding and release programs for criticality endangered species. Not all of them are terrible and many work very hard to provide proper enrichment.
Reddit won’t let me reply to as many comments as I’d like, so I just want to say a big thank you to all the comments educating me on the good that a lot of zoos do! I’ll be checking out the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and other similar resources to find the zoos that do great conservation and educational work to help keep these animals healthy and happy and most importantly; alive.
Unfortunately it seems the zoo I was at is not accredited with them and does generally have a bad reputation (won’t name them though just in case), but I’m definitely excited to get back home to Canada and visit some local zoos to chat with them and to learn more about the great work they do to take care of these animals.
Can always counts on reddit keep you in check. Thanks my dudes.
Except for the foul-mouthed inbreds that do so in a much less kind manner in the dms. Those douche canoes can kindly continue to fuck off ❤
Edit- added a word.
I agree with the sentiment, but I highly encourage a trip to the Omaha Zoo, world renowned for a reason. It brings a positive viewership experience for us as people but more importantly they focus much more on conservation and the livelihood of their animals. Their renovations have improved the park immensely and they are not slowing down/stopping the renovations any time soon. Almost all of the animals have more than adequate room and if they don’t, there’s plans in the works to allow for them to prosper. It’s getting to a point where I’m surprised they haven’t already bought out and bulldozed the neighborhood surrounding the park (they bought the College World Series baseball stadium to allow for growth).
You would be seriously impressed, it’s worth the trip as a learning experience.
Wait til you see a zoo in a third world nation. They make first world zoos feel like a day spa. Third world zoos are basically jail cells without the minimal conceit for space or comfort they give to human prisoners.
Then think about zoos in war torn places like Ukraine. The animals are just as traumatized as the humans if not more. Even if they escaped, where would they go?
What about all the other shots?
Looks like he’s having a snooze to me
That’s how I look right now.
Rescue me from this office.
Honestly, I have a great life, nothing to complain about. I have bad days where I sulk though.
I’m not sure a single image is able to show the quality of the zoo and the care provided, we all have bad days or bad moments.
Recently took a family roadtrip and went to Cincinatti Zoo. They do a tremendous job there. Super clean, animals look so happy and receptive to their enclosures. Overall experience a 10/10. The city didn’t have much more for my family to do and this was more of a trial run for possible longer vacations, but had an outstanding time.
Maybe he just remembered something from his high school days… One of those shouldn’t have made a fool out of myself like that, that day, we could’ve been married by now…
Or he ate the last banana and now there is no more banana.
Some Zoos, especially private ones, are like this and it’s horrific. However, zoos have spent the last century studying how to keep animals happy and comfortable in “managed care” (that’s the PR term but it’s rather applicable) and conditions on the whole are *way* better. Animals live long, comfortable, healthy lives that are often longer than their wild counterparts while serving both as members of breeding programs for wild repopulation and symbols of public advocacy and fund raising for the protection of endangered environments and species.
If you want to learn more, read up on the San Diego Zoo and their efforts!
I wonder how op feels about sad keanu.
I look like this too but nobody cares! Set my monkey ass free!
Post a picture of the rest of the enclosure so we can see how full of shit you are OP. I could go so SD zoo and take a picture of an animal in the corner of a giant enclosure or in a temporary holding area and it would look the same as this.
Shit…that could be a picture of me at work.
So like… Are we just gonna overlook the fact that that chimpanzee is/was just defecating? There’s two turds just beneath it…
I can see how you’d look at this and think it’s a depressed chimp, but to me it just looks like she’s (I THINK this is a female) taking a nap.
Zoos are MASSIVELY beneficial. They are the only reason a lot of species aren’t extinct yet. And despite what PETA (an organization which, remember, kills more dogs and cats than any other even while calling the rest of us evil for eating meat) would have you believe, most zoos do absolutely everything they can to ensure the animals are healthy and happy. The only ones that don’t are rinky dink little shitholes that get shut down just as soon as the Humane Society finds out about them.
I absolutely feel this dude… 🙁
Many zoos do indeed suck (although I do think there’s a good argument to be made for the larger ones which do conservation work) and I can’t comment on this particular zoo because I’ve not been, but you’re mapping a typical reading of human body language onto a chimpanzee. I promise you that this chimpanzee is not slumped forwards with world-weariness and ennui. He’s probably watching a bug, or admiring his feet, or having a sit down because he’s tired.
Anthropomorphising animal behaviour isn’t the way to go here. You’re constructing a narrative on false pretences.
Animals can’t be happy all of the time. They’re not there for our entertainment. They are animals! I think the ups and downs of life are as common for the zoo animals as us. The ape in this picture is probably content with this safe habitat. The jungle is a treacherous place!
The ape is just itching his balls. Stop making everything deep 😂
What an incredibly shortsighted opinion.
Are there bad zoos? Of course, there are bad versions of everything.
Are there incredible zoos supporting and protecting wildlife, particularly vulnerable species, around the globe? Hell yeah there are.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell which this is when all we have is your single photograph depicting a great ape acting like a great ape.
You have anthropomorphized this creature and that is unwise.
This isn’t 1876 anymore. If you want to see what a monkey looks like, look it up on the internet. We don’t need zoos anymore. At this point, all they are is animal abuse anyway.
I was already iffy about retail stores, but after seeing the employees like this I don’t think I want to go anymore.
Looks like every work break room in America I’ve ever been in.
Just gonna make another comment to link to my previous reply [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/uqwjam/oc_i_was_already_iffy_about_zoos_but_after_taking/i8ttj6d?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3).
This thread has really opened my eyes to the fact that more zoos than not are actively working to do good for the animals and treat them well from a conservational stand point as opposed to a commercial stand point like many privately owned zoos. I didn’t realize this would take off this much and be so controversial and I can only be regretful that my title comes off as extreme as it does, though the sentiment still stands when referring to these types of zoos.
The [Association of Zoos & Aquariums ](https://www.aza.org/) seems to be a great resource for finding accredited zoos that do the good stuff and I encourage others who, like me, are upset by the maltreatment of animals in some zoos to find the good ones and support them.
As for this photo itself I’ll start by saying I’m not an expert so yes; I have no idea how this chimp was truly feeling. I did observe him for well over 20 minutes (the group I was with was scattered and this exhibit happened to be where I was waiting for others) and this guy was sitting down facing a wall for 10 of those minutes before moving to this stump and sitting
like this for another 10 minutes or so until I left. He was in a small enclosure (the size of a 20-25 person classroom I guess? Idk how to compare it universally) with 3 other chimps. There was a section of outdoor enclosure that was currently closed off to the chimps that doubled the total space.
So in short; no I couldn’t read his mind. But I did what I did as a photographer and captured the moment as it was, and then created a title that captured how it made ME feel. Y’all are allowed to feel you’re own way about, and if you know better than great. I appreciate the knowledge bombs.
P.s sorry for any bad formatting I’m out and replying on my phone.
Remember that a lot of zoo’s serve as sanctuaries for dying species. Those animals wouldn’t exist otherwise. Yes every place should do a good job with their animals. But releasing them into the wild would be a death sentence. They were brought there because their species was dying off. I guess there’s a question of if we should preserve different species offshoots just…because we can in zoos. Maybe it’s ok for a species to die off? But until then, that’s what zoo’s are for. Preserving things that nature would have killed off.
The one thing that broke my heart at a zoo was a time I went visiting Dallas zoo.
At the chimpanzee enclosure there were no people just me wandering around, my wife was probably in the bathroom with our daughter, and one of the chimps was right by the glass so I went close to look at him but he started to look at me in the eyes before I got to him, the first time I see one this close and so personal, like you can see intelligence, not like a dog or a cat, but as of he had a soul, a human soul (dogs and cats probably do too ok). The chimp started looking around and walked towards the end of the glass looking at me like he wanted me to follow him, just a couple of steps. I was a little surprised but then sat right next to a little door (like a person would had to crawl to get in) that connected to the exterior where I was and after looking around pointed at it with his large finger and made a hand gesture showing me how to turn it to open, I was even more surprised almost shocked, but the guy keep doing the motion in sequence a few times pointing and turning a few times but eventually looking a little betrayed, for a split second I looked at the door, that had a huge lock, I guess the guy got me hooked, I thought: what is he expecting? To get back to the jungle? Mix with the humans? Rejoin his family? He kept looking at me in the eyes and turning his hand… And I just shook my head a little and whispered… “I can’t… man…” As if he was a buddy I knew. He almost immediately looked to the opposite side and slowly went back to where he was seated before. It’s so stupid, I felt like I wanted to explain him what would had happen but I knew he couldn’t understand me, still I walked a little closer but he refused to meet my eyes, I felt so fucking guilty so I just walked away. Like 10 or 11 years ago now.
Isn’t it supposed to be leading a rebellion against the humans?