I’ve eaten questionable things on random dirt roads in war torn countries and I have only been unable to get balut down … from start to finish it’s fucking terrible
Imagine they bought these eggs thinking it was a normal egg, and cracked one open to fry one up and a dead baby bird just flops out of the egg. Imagine the shock on their faces
Balut is a fertilized developing egg embryo that is boiled or steamed and eaten from the shell. It is commonly sold as street food in South China and Southeast Asian countries, notably the Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam.
I’ve eaten questionable things on random dirt roads in war torn countries and I have only been unable to get balut down … from start to finish it’s fucking terrible
That’s not a regular egg though.
No they made a mistake. It’s $2.19 for 100 pieces
$2.19 for some balut y’all are getting fleeced
You do understand this isn’t a regular egg right? There’s an embryo in that egg….
My pinoy brothers where u at?!
You’ve summoned the Filipinos of Reddit. Here they come!
(My wife is also Filipina. I will never eat this.)
I don’t like balot but they’re less $0.50 here if I convert that correctly. What the hell is happening there?
If you’re shocked at the price and don’t know what balut is, you’re going to be in a bigger shock when you crack one open for the first time
The forbidden nugget
Oh god no balut , nope nope nope not with a 10ft pole nope
Balut always makes me think of the Monty Python “Crunchy Frog” sketch.
You’re in for a surprise if you think those are regular eggs
The comments on here have me rolling!
“think of it as a built-in chicken omelet” –a filipino friend in college
There’s a pokemon inside those eggs😳
Imagine they bought these eggs thinking it was a normal egg, and cracked one open to fry one up and a dead baby bird just flops out of the egg. Imagine the shock on their faces
Yum Balut!
Balut at that price is a steal!
The trick to eating balut is having enough alcohol in your system to try it. Actually wasn’t too bad
Yummy. I can smell the pancit and balut right now cooking.
$2.5 if the egg shell has duck shit.
$3/dozen in Seattle area so not very high at all in reality.
It’s not the handwriting you should be paying attention to, friend…
Balut? Exited?
How can you write excited when talking about eggs? It’s clearly and always eggcited.
Eggcited. No one?
It’s Balut… not a normal egg.
I’ll never eat one of does or menudo
Balut is a fertilized developing egg embryo that is boiled or steamed and eaten from the shell. It is commonly sold as street food in South China and Southeast Asian countries, notably the Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Shoot, I’m half-Filipino and even I won’t touch the stuff lol.
And then you realise it’s not just eggs, but balut
Where was that?
I’ve always wanted to try balut but haven’t come across a place that sold it.
I hate balut. Nothing like being a little kid thinking you are about to eat a hard boiled and then surprise, surprise.
Are eggs expensive in the US now? They’re at about 4,5 dollars for 12 in Norway at the moment, so they’re not impacted by recent price surges as much
I cracked my balut egg, saw an eye looking up at me, and handed it off to a buddy to finish. I’ve eaten some weird shit but balut is a 100% no for me.
Wait ? For one egg.?
The hell is this? BYOC? Bring your own carton
Not the only surprise with those eggs.
Glad I get dozens free from a coworker.
I got 24 eggs for 5 bucks yesterday. It’s was a trip.
why those eggs looking so dirty?