[OC] Cherry blossoms in Korea
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[OC] Cherry blossoms in Korea
View Reddit by devanshusomani99 – View Source
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pretty scenery
Beautiful. I lived there for many years.
Look at that – walkers in the walking lane and bikers in the biking lane. It can be done!
you should repost to r/fuckcars. They love the biking/walking infrastructure like this (and who doesn’t?!)
Beautiful pic.
This pic made me feel warm and fuzzy for some reason
This looks fake, the color of the blossoms is supposed to be so saturated that it scorches my retinas.
Safe biking lanes in Korea
Where I live in California, we have marked lanes near a park for bikes, but it’s not color-designated like this, so you don’t know which side you’re supposed to be on. The bike riders don’t give a hoot, they ride in both lanes and make the walkers get out of their way.
That kid looks like he 10 years old in that stroller, lol.
Can’t even be mad I see shit like that here in the States too.
Clean pic none the less!
As someone that has lived in the US for his entire life but spent 6 months in Tokyo back in 2020, I really wish there was a way to convert US cities to be more walkable/bikeable(?). I don’t see any way to do it without billions, if not trillions, spent and decades in court battling business owners, though. Even NYC–what I’d consider the best overall public transit in the US–is complete shit in comparison.
Is this Namsan park in Seoul? I walked to the top of the hill with the tower when I visited.
How is it to visit Korea on holiday in this post-covid world? It’s my top destination of all time, and I had a trip planned a couple of years ago that got cancelled.
No one is walking on the cycle lane?!?!?!?! I need to move here!
They really seem to enjoy the outdoor air.
The perfect world where cyclists stay in their fucking lane
When I lived in Seoul, I used to walk or bike along Yangjaecheon/Hangang with friends a few times a week. On weekends we’d make a night of just stopping at every convenience store along the way to grab some beers and post up on the patio.
Seoul is a special city and there’s something extra special to me about sitting along the Han River at night enjoying a beer just listening to the hum and frenetic energy of that incredible city.
That bike and pedestrian infrastructure
In finland we get wet snow raining down in paralell straight to your face at this time of year
I loved south Korea while I was there. The scenery is great and for the most part the people too. Food is awesome and its easy to travel around. Id love to go back some day
It snowed today in Québec
I was in Korea for 7months last year and cannot forget how beautiful the whole country was. Forsythia, cherry blossoms, magnolias, willow trees with their long branches and leaves like they are dancing. I’m not even a flower person but the nature over there was so beautiful I felt like crying a few times. Thanks for this pic.
Pretty basic pic for it to be the top post on the main page….
Edit: 25k+ upvotes and less than 500 comments, yeah this reeks of vote manipulation
Beautiful city. I like Beijing. I like Tokyo. I love Seoul.
In this time Korea will be so beautiful.
People are wearing masks outside there?
That boy is too old for a stroller lol. I bet he made his dad do it.
Everyone masked up and not a bother on them.