Monday, December 2All That Matters

Novemeber 22nd, 1981 – The Rolling Stones performed with Muddy Waters, the Blues legend who greatly inspired/influenced the British rock band, at the Checkerboard Lounge (in the southside of Chicago)

Novemeber 22nd, 1981 – The Rolling Stones performed with Muddy Waters, the Blues legend who greatly inspired/influenced the British rock band, at the Checkerboard Lounge (in the southside of Chicago)

Novemeber 22nd, 1981 – The Rolling Stones performed with Muddy Waters, the Blues legend who greatly inspired/influenced the British rock band, at the Checkerboard Lounge (in the southside of Chicago)

Novemeber 22nd, 1981 – The Rolling Stones performed with Muddy Waters, the Blues legend who greatly inspired/influenced the British rock band, at the Checkerboard Lounge (in the southside of Chicago)
byu/MulciberTenebras inOldSchoolCool

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