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View Reddit by arzam007 – View Source
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Truelly beautiful,where in norway is this?
Looks like a place on anime movies.
This is so beautiful!
The country I would love to visit/live
Thought this was literally a screenshot of Ard Skellig from The Witcher 3
Just thinking of it,have a nice breakfast at dawn,boat across the lake,hike up and across that sweet looking ridge,and back down to boat across the lake back home…
hot doggitty.
No way
Norway is this real.
Pining, he’s just.. /j
It’s alright I guess, you know if you are into that of thing. /S
Gorgeous 😍
[Here](https://i.imgur.com/L4uq0R0.jpg) is a higher quality and less cropped version of this image. [Here](https://500px.com/photo/252434739/summer-time-by-reidar-nesje?ctx_page=1&from=search&ctx_type=photos&ctx_q=hjelle) is the source. Credit to the photographer, [Reidar Nesje](https://500px.com/reidarnesje) (aka reidar_nesje on Instagram), who took this on September 3, 2017.
> Photo is taken on Hjelle, nearby the town Stryn in Norway. West of Norway, in Nordfjord.
> Nikon D5300
> 18.0-55.0 mm f/3.5-5.6
> 18mm/ƒ/9/1/320s/ISO 200
[Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@61.9138596,7.1153618,3a,42.7y,293.89h,94.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6DcokPaD8KCXJ-2NzszW8A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?shorturl=1) this is via Google Street View.
Truly is an astounding pic
So beautiful 😍
Thought this was Zelda at first 😳
Norway is somewhere I would never want to leave if I ever went there.
Now do winter.
And that’s not even the pretty part.
This was wild, my brain initially read the clouds between the roof and the right slope as snow-covered peaks behind the one in the foreground, so the bare part of the peak looked like an impossibly thin arch
On a scale of 1 to 10 how edited us this photo?
Looks like japan
There’s something mildly unsettling about this for me. Probably because the mountain in the background has a shape similar to the blast crater following the eruption of Mt. St. Helens.
Is that an extinct cinder cone volcano?