Norma Tanega – “A Street That Rhymes at 6AM” [folk pop] (1966)
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Norma Tanega – “A Street That Rhymes at 6AM” [folk pop] (1966)
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Got introduced to Norma Tanega from ‘What we do in the shadows’, and am so glad I did!
Ive had this vinyl for a while now and was pleasantly surprised when i heard the intro for what we do in the shadows, most of me is yay more people like her music some of me is also like damnit now people know about it and its gonne be over played and lose its magic
Here I thought she was a one hit wonder! Only knew her from [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPZVrmJ2HH8)
Great album! I discovered her through a viral video of Walkin My Cat Named Dog.
Needs more Karen Dalton
Lovely. I was listening to ‘Nothin’ Much is Happening Today’ over the weekend
Love Norma! I discovered her through her song “walkin my cat named dog”
I just saw this record for sale yesterday for $200 usd :/
Rodriguez vibes
That was so lovely and weird! Thank you
Don’t Touch People was my anthem for Covid times.
This album slaps.
I heard she is the favorite musician of Jackie Daytona the totally normal human bartender.