No wonder Shooters and MOBAs are so popular, gives the player a lot of Dopamine hits when they get a kill or headshot and don’t require a lot of skill at least compared to a lot of FGC titles. (Look up Evo Moment 37)
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the very rare moments i play online multiple players is fighting games , cod is the reason I never play online shooting games
This is completely untrue. Go play some Strive online, people rage quit and are babies all the same.
Even at locals some people can’t keep their shit together.
FPS games are often team based, so there’s a big random component to success or failure in any given scenario.
I like to judge myself more on whether or not I think I helped the team win.
In BFV for example I play a medic and I’ve got a smoke grenade launcher. By rezzing three or four players and dropping smoke in front of some enemy tanks I can swing the outcome of the battle for an objective.
I can’t control whether we win, but I can help it happen.
And I can even help significantly when there’s bad lag, because my actions have effect over the course of seconds or minutes, not milliseconds.
I am bad at fps games but that doesn’t mean I won’t blame other people for my shortcomings
Regarding your title: I just don’t like fighting games. Never have. Nothing to do with them taking skill I just don’t enjoy them.
Mobas take around the same amount of skill if not more.
You’re kidding yourself if you think there aren’t a lot of fighting game players who could never make it in a tourney but just want to beat up on “scrubs” to feel good about themselves.
Your a douchebag, repost this on some FCG circlejerk
I’m in favor of mild skill based matchmaking, but players get mad about strong skill based matchmaking for very legitimate reasons.
– At high skill levels it causes you to get laggy games that are sometimes unplayable, and an absurd amount of cheaters.
– Every single player is punished for improving with getting tougher games, but you get no reward, or rank, or anything to show off your skill. Your gameplay experience never improves. You never feel like a good player.
– You can’t play online with your friends of different skill levels, the worse player will have an unplayably difficult game.
– It’s every single match. You can’t relax and unwind. You will just get stomped for trying to have fun and use offmeta strategies.
– It encourages throwing matches and reverse boosting, and makes it *easier* for players to abuse these systems to bully lobbies full of exclusively bad players for better gameplay.
Matchmaking should protect the worst players and new players, everyone else should be connection-based for the best gameplay experience.
The reward for being good and improving as a player should be winning more and performing better. You will get lobbies that make you feel pathetic, you will get lobbies that make you feel like a god. That randomness is interesting, and rewarding, and fun.
Strict SBMM belongs in ranked play. Nowhere else.
I don’t really play online FPS games, but you’re kind of being an elitist prick
FPS games have an extremely high skill cap? So do fighting games?
Me (who is sophisticated and ace)
People who aren’t me (who are obviously dumb kids)
Grow up.
Don’t require a lot of skill!? Lmao
spin moar plz
Sounds like you’re just bashing a genre you don’t like.
Cringe title. Any serious MOBA or FPS has SBMM.
Also, thinking that mobas, with literally thousands of unique hero/item interactions, are *simple* compared to single-player fighting games, that’s extra cringe
Too bad evo moment 37 is unlikely to ever come again, since they are making that kind of games so much more accessible, wich isn’t bad for the game and the community, it’s just bad for the show
All I want is to get matched against and with someone who is in same skill as me or atleast a bit closer or higher to me like for example in apex:
I do Not want to get matched against some 3 stack god level Apex predators and even than there is always the pred slayer who will solo a whole lobby of master and preds than leaves when 2 teams remaining
Also overly competent teammates just move too fast and impossible to catch up and that is not fun either
Yeah, come here and say CSGO don’t require a lot of skill.
What a pretentious title
Someone got domed and is still salty about it
Other Video Game genre bad, my Vidya Gaem genre good
Updoot please kind gold stranger
I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.
That’s bait.