We had a historic building in my town from the 1850s that was turned into a restaurant some drunk ran thru. They patched the building up painstakingly to make the bricks match the old faded style and less than one month later another drunk ran right thru it, no joke.
Holy shit this is 2 blocks from my house! Didn’t expect to come across this on reddit.
Did you notice the laundromat in the same plaza has a plywood facade as well? Both incidents happened within days of each other, a couple months ago. I frequent the dispensary there (Piffington’s) and happened to stop by about an hour after the laundromat incident happened.
Oh man I was in this plaza when this happened. I was getting bloodwork done and my husband was waiting outside when an elderly man drove right through the window of this store. He said it looked like he was trying to park and just zoomed through. The next day, they put this up. The couple was ok, his wife was yelling at him saying “see, I told you to stop!!” 😬
Edited to say: they’ve had this happen so many times unfortunately that they just deal with it with humour lol.
I’m willing to bet whoever did that was trying to get high. Hahahah
You can almost feel the tire marks on the curb from the last person who was TikTok’in and parking!
any time there’s a warning, no matter how stupid it might seem, it means someone did the thing the warning is about
Inside parking is so not piff
“I assure you we’re open”
We had a historic building in my town from the 1850s that was turned into a restaurant some drunk ran thru. They patched the building up painstakingly to make the bricks match the old faded style and less than one month later another drunk ran right thru it, no joke.
Before repairing their window, that was a… Bread… House. Mighty mighty. Just letting it all hang out.
That’s funny
Too bad they didn’t put the sign up sooner
they are renovating the drive through?
I live in the city where this happened.
There’s a story here, I’m sure of it
There’s was a store nearby with a similar temp fix and they spray painted “Drive-thru closed.”
See! I told you a drive-through would be a bad idea!
Looks like the no indoor parking is a recent development.
Breadhouse, eh? So not familiar with the word “bakery” then?
It took me a full minute to understand what had happened, and that made me appreciate it even more.
Ahhhhh yeees. Ye olde Piffington’s. Fine establishment.
I prefer Pharmacy>Piffington’s>Bread Shop when I make my rounds.
Signage necessary after last customer mistakenly thought shop was a drive-thru.
That’s a whole lot to take in there.
There’s a bar in Scriba, NY where a drunk got kicked out one night and then [he slammed his truck at full speed in to the bar.](https://cnycentral.com/amp/news/local/man-allegedly-drives-pickup-truck-into-scriba-town-inn-charged-with-dwi) They rebuilt the bar and now there’s a heavy planter to stop or slow anyone that does that again. The best part is that the bar owners put up “Not An Entrance” signs along it.
I feel if I go in there I’m not coming back out lol
Well that’s damn unacceptable! Where is this place? I need to make a complaint!
This reminds me of the movie clerks
Holy shit this is 2 blocks from my house! Didn’t expect to come across this on reddit.
Did you notice the laundromat in the same plaza has a plywood facade as well? Both incidents happened within days of each other, a couple months ago. I frequent the dispensary there (Piffington’s) and happened to stop by about an hour after the laundromat incident happened.
You disappear once through that door never to be seen. Indoor parking is least of your worries
elderly people shouldnt be allowed to drive automatics.
I’m guessing someone drove through the front of the store
It really does seem as though somebody tried to park inside.
This store is located in Kitchener, ON. Happened months ago and still isn’t fixed sadly
But I want to park inside.
I particularly enjoy the sequence of shopping opportunities; diabetic socks, health foods, and weed.
What the hell happened here?
Looks like somebody thought it was a drive through
Is this… is this where I’m from?
Oh man I was in this plaza when this happened. I was getting bloodwork done and my husband was waiting outside when an elderly man drove right through the window of this store. He said it looked like he was trying to park and just zoomed through. The next day, they put this up. The couple was ok, his wife was yelling at him saying “see, I told you to stop!!” 😬
Edited to say: they’ve had this happen so many times unfortunately that they just deal with it with humour lol.