Tuesday, March 25All That Matters

“NO CGI” is really just INVISIBLE CGI


A great dive into the world of how Hollywood marketing campaigns are discrediting the work of thousands of talented artists.


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  • as a VFX artist, I’ve heard practical = better countless times. Which is funny cause most people wouldn’t be able to tell you what is real and what isn’t. The best CGI is not noticed afterall.

  • happens all the time, my frond did a bunch of vfx shots for Nolan who told the press it was real, my friend loved it, he did a good job.


    the amount of cgi you see and dont know is huge.

  • It seems like this guy is trying to win an argument on a technicality. Of course the final dogfight in Top Gun 2 had reskinned planes, did he think they’d get to use and blow up actual military aircraft?

  • I think it’s a semantical argument. When people say they prefer practical effects and don’t want CGI stunts, they aren’t saying “don’t CGI out the safety rope”.

    It’s like if someone said “I don’t like eggs” that doesn’t mean you can’t use an egg wash or put an egg in a cake.

  • It’s crazy how defensive people get over practical effects, just look at this thread and the upvote rate of this thread(only 68%). The directors and studios clearly know this going by now much practical effects is talked about by them in marketing in the last few years. The actors and directors clearly try to dodge the questions when asked if it’s all real and they give a misleading answer. Some straight up lie, then the media also intentionally incorrectly pushes the no CGI thing.

    I’d like knowing if CGI was used for top scenes in my favourite films and has gotten crazy good and is getting easier and cheaper to do over time. Because then it’ll make it more likely that the awesome high quality scenes will start to trickle down to medium and lower budget movies. If it really did take practical effects to achieve the cool scenes mentioned in the video then that quality will never make it down to lower budget stuff because practical effects will never lower in price. We’ve seen how good and cheap CGI can be done recently anyway, some kid in their bedroom can make something on their home pc that would have taken a movie studio CGI team to do 25 years ago. It’s great.

  • This video is a much-needed corrective to the popular idea that CGI is all bad and practical is all good. It’s the reason these filmmakers claim they don’t use CGI when they do. It’s about what audiences think they know, and it’s what they want to hear. We wouldn’t dream of using CGI! Ugh. It looks dreadful. Except for the countless shots that use it in all sorts of films for all sorts of purposes and you don’t criticise it because you don’t even know it’s there.

    It’s the opposite of forty years ago, when CGI was young and used for a handful of shots in Tron – filmmakers and studios used to claim that many more than those few shots used CGI, when they used practical effects instead, because at the time computers were new and cutting edge and cool, and that’s what appealed to audiences.

    But reading through some of the comments in this thread, I see that people are happy to move the goalposts when it suits them. Replacing entire planes with computer-generated ones isn’t CGI because there was a plane there to begin with, apparently. That’s not what I don’t like. I don’t like CGI, and I like this, so it’s not CGI. (No word so far, incidentally, as to what the people making this terrible argument think of the shots where completely new planes are inserted into scenes, not replacing planes that were filmed for real, but inserted purely from scratch.)

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