Ok for his birthday or Father’s Day you gotta make him a Bean Belt! Something tacky with coffee beans glued to it. This is the BEST prank ever. So sweet to see how much you mean to each other and how involved you are in each other’s lives. Props to bro too!
*Seems like this is déja-brew! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and as a token of our appreciation, you are now upgraded to a Black Ivory membership, which is our highest tier. As a Black Ivory member, you will receive additional daily messages for discounts and special gifts. You will also receive a VIP tour of our facility in New Mexico for you and a partner redeemable anytime this year for only $199, which will automatically be deducted from your credit card. Thanks a latte!*
edit:*Some of our customers have informed us that replying “NOBEAN” has not resulted in the requested suspension of daily messages. But don’t be bitter, if you really want to unsubscribe, please reply “NOMAS” and we will mocha the appropriate changes. Thank you for bean so understanding!*
Would’ve been better if instead of calling and cancelling, she made a bean belt and left it 8n a box on the front door for him the next day or later that day.
I extremely hoped the dad would be down for a golden plated bean buckle and the daughter would have to find more and more outlandish ways of extracting bean money from the dad but no amount would be too much which would make everyone realise his addiction to the beans had gone too far..
A true, actually funny prank! Well done.
Ok for his birthday or Father’s Day you gotta make him a Bean Belt! Something tacky with coffee beans glued to it. This is the BEST prank ever. So sweet to see how much you mean to each other and how involved you are in each other’s lives. Props to bro too!
[Reminds me of the Cat Facts prank from reddit ages ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/owx3v/so_my_little_cousin_posted_on_fb_that_he_was/)
Now I want a bean belt!
*Seems like this is déja-brew! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and as a token of our appreciation, you are now upgraded to a Black Ivory membership, which is our highest tier. As a Black Ivory member, you will receive additional daily messages for discounts and special gifts. You will also receive a VIP tour of our facility in New Mexico for you and a partner redeemable anytime this year for only $199, which will automatically be deducted from your credit card. Thanks a latte!*
edit:*Some of our customers have informed us that replying “NOBEAN” has not resulted in the requested suspension of daily messages. But don’t be bitter, if you really want to unsubscribe, please reply “NOMAS” and we will mocha the appropriate changes. Thank you for bean so understanding!*
I was really hoping the bean belt would make an appearance.
I would have hand delivered a bean belt on April Fool’s.
I’m so sad we don’t get to see the actual Bean Belt!
Where do I get my Bean Belt??
Would’ve been better if instead of calling and cancelling, she made a bean belt and left it 8n a box on the front door for him the next day or later that day.
So no bean belt?
That was a well thought out, well executed and well told story!
Ok, now how can I order a beanbelt??
props to managing to call him and keeping a completely innocent professional voice
These are the awesome pranks. No casualties. Just funny. Nice.
Love it! Was that the Como Park conservatory your dad and brother were at?
I did not expect to watch the whole thing when I saw it was 4 minutes. This was delightful!! So clever and a perfect prank. 🙂
No bean!
Aye that is what it feels like to have a normal father in your life.
He has successfully bean pranked.
Good morning “Brew-tifull”
Why do you have to be so “brewed”Words cannot “espressso” how sad….
TIL 3 new ways to use those!
He sure got roasted on that one. Well done!
That was fucking brilliant. Love the comment and buying burner phones haha. Hey side note where we’re they at with the bonsai trees??
She has a rather soothing voice
How long is this Bean Belt? I may be interested if your father doesn’t want it.
Awesome prank, but as a fan of bonsai, I was very distracted for a while.
So much effort.
I extremely hoped the dad would be down for a golden plated bean buckle and the daughter would have to find more and more outlandish ways of extracting bean money from the dad but no amount would be too much which would make everyone realise his addiction to the beans had gone too far..
But it was still a great prank. #nobean
He has raised great kids and should be proud as hell!!!!!!
That was a good prank. I was laughing so much hearing his reaction to the text messages
Absolutely April Fool’s gold prank there. Well done.
I think this is the longest video I watched on reddit
Just want to say, fucking genius idea to start in motion an April fool’s joke a few days beforehand. My life has new meaning.