So this whole deal comes from two grass roots operations. Pandaglobal and their pandacup and vgbc and their smash world tour. Both attempted to obtain licenses to have an officially backed nintendo circuit. Nintendo was in talks with both simultaneously so they both would be licensed. Pg obtained theirs first while vgbc were given the run around but it was implied through their communication that nintendo wouldn’t stop it. (We’re not endorsing but we won’t stop you).
Throughout the year the PG ceo has been trying to strongarm tournament organizers with phrasing like “it’d be a shame if your UNLICENSED tournament got shutdown by nintendo unless it was apart of the panda cup circuit”. Swt was fine with tournaments being a stop on both circuits, but pg wanted exclusivity.
Fast forward, and swt receives a cease and desist from nintendo. Their application has been in limbo and this seems out of nowhere. It’s two weeks out from the event so tons of money has been lost and it sets an awful grassroots precedent that could shut down the entire grassroots scene.
I’m still confused on how this works. Is there literally a line in the game’s user licence agreement that allows them to do this? What is to stop someone from simply declaring their tournament a private personal event?
Fuck Nintendo and their hate of their customers. They love smash when they release a new one but go out of their way to avoid supporting diehard smash fans of their older games. I will never get why they hate the fact smash is competitive. Melee is still an amazing spectator esport 20 years in
For the love everything that is holy, please stop with these stupid fake tweet thumbnails, Internet. I don’t care if you’re talking about the most vile corporate move on the planet, I’m not going to give your video the time of day if you think the best way to present it is with a two-second Photoshop.
Can we just go the Japan pochinko machine route and make tournaments free to enter, snacks are 50 bucks for one m&m per person, you win a free bear plushie for first place while just outside there happens to be a lemonade stand willing to buy plushies for $10,000 wow what a coincidence! This circumvents all the legalities dealing with money for entrance fees and prizes. Then it’s no different than hosting a tournament at your friends house but with 1,000 people in a stadium.
I’m blaming this more on Dr Alan Bunney, He weaponized Nintendo against unlicensed tournaments so he’s the real target! He’s nothing but a cold-blooded bastard after what he’s done.
I think as a community we need to start boycotting Nintendo. It sucks for all the devs and good people making good games. Those who run the company seem to actively hate their community.
I know I’ve bought my last Nintendo product until they make drastic change.
I hate that Nintendo makes great games to make up for their absolute hatred of their own community. I don’t know a company that destroys their own community more than Nintendo. Honestly smart that their target audience is kids that usually doesn’t care for these sort of tournaments
So this whole deal comes from two grass roots operations. Pandaglobal and their pandacup and vgbc and their smash world tour. Both attempted to obtain licenses to have an officially backed nintendo circuit. Nintendo was in talks with both simultaneously so they both would be licensed. Pg obtained theirs first while vgbc were given the run around but it was implied through their communication that nintendo wouldn’t stop it. (We’re not endorsing but we won’t stop you).
Throughout the year the PG ceo has been trying to strongarm tournament organizers with phrasing like “it’d be a shame if your UNLICENSED tournament got shutdown by nintendo unless it was apart of the panda cup circuit”. Swt was fine with tournaments being a stop on both circuits, but pg wanted exclusivity.
Fast forward, and swt receives a cease and desist from nintendo. Their application has been in limbo and this seems out of nowhere. It’s two weeks out from the event so tons of money has been lost and it sets an awful grassroots precedent that could shut down the entire grassroots scene.
I’m still confused on how this works. Is there literally a line in the game’s user licence agreement that allows them to do this? What is to stop someone from simply declaring their tournament a private personal event?
Fuck Nintendo and their hate of their customers. They love smash when they release a new one but go out of their way to avoid supporting diehard smash fans of their older games. I will never get why they hate the fact smash is competitive. Melee is still an amazing spectator esport 20 years in
Nintendo needs to make the online experience way better. It is terrible.
For the love everything that is holy, please stop with these stupid fake tweet thumbnails, Internet. I don’t care if you’re talking about the most vile corporate move on the planet, I’m not going to give your video the time of day if you think the best way to present it is with a two-second Photoshop.
Nintendo really doesn’t know how to support their player base and has made some decisions that just come a-crossed as they don’t care.
I’m all for Youtuber Chessboxing Events. Much more than boring Youtuber Boxing Events.
Can we just go the Japan pochinko machine route and make tournaments free to enter, snacks are 50 bucks for one m&m per person, you win a free bear plushie for first place while just outside there happens to be a lemonade stand willing to buy plushies for $10,000 wow what a coincidence! This circumvents all the legalities dealing with money for entrance fees and prizes. Then it’s no different than hosting a tournament at your friends house but with 1,000 people in a stadium.
Looks like instead of Smash, Nintendo chose to…. *puts on sunglasses*…. pass.
what’s up with this trend of making fake tweet images for youtube thumbnails? OOTL
TLDR: Panda eSports killed the goose that laid the golden eggs.
Fuck nintendo
It’s amazing how a company can openly spit in the face of it’s entire player base continually yet project this squeaky clean image every year.
We should truly cancel Nintendo lol
Stop supporting Nintendo
Meanwhile indie games languish. Sad state of affairs.
Anyone that wants to play for bragging rights can stop by my place for a beatdown!
I’m blaming this more on Dr Alan Bunney, He weaponized Nintendo against unlicensed tournaments so he’s the real target! He’s nothing but a cold-blooded bastard after what he’s done.
Apparently is it Panda’s CEO’s fault
Fuck Nintendo
I think as a community we need to start boycotting Nintendo. It sucks for all the devs and good people making good games. Those who run the company seem to actively hate their community.
I know I’ve bought my last Nintendo product until they make drastic change.
I don’t get it, Wilson’s doesn’t get to decide who gets to play American football so what’s the legal deal?
I am going to smash so hard tonight in protest.
I hate that Nintendo makes great games to make up for their absolute hatred of their own community. I don’t know a company that destroys their own community more than Nintendo. Honestly smart that their target audience is kids that usually doesn’t care for these sort of tournaments