Nine Inch Nails – “Now I’m Nothing” / “Terrible Lie” (Live at the very first Lollapalooza, in 1991)
Nine Inch Nails – "Now I’m Nothing" / "Terrible Lie" (Live at the very first Lollapalooza, in 1991) from OldSchoolCool
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Nine inch nails sucks
Do I see a pre Filter Richard Patrick?
They killed at the Irvine show. (late July ’91)
My only complaint was that they played before the sun went down and some of the visual effects were all for not.
Trent continues to put on amazing live shows. If you’ve been on the fence about going to a NIN show since he older now, do it! I’ve been to every tour since ‘92 and the shows are somehow better now. Parts are as hard as ever, but it’s broken up by sections that feel more like a Pink Floyd show. If you can see him at Red Rocks, even better.
SP copycat.
Damn, that was good. I like these raw, stage performances better than “official” videos.
Some bands sound better in studio some sound better live. Reznor is great in studo but in a different plane of existence live. Love NIN
Been listening to The Fragile recently after not listening to NIN for over a decade. Still one of my favorite albums of all time.