Tuesday, March 11All That Matters

Nichelle Nichols with Gene Roddenberry, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, Leonard Nimoy, Walter Koenig, and NASA director James Fletcher in 1976

Nichelle Nichols with Gene Roddenberry, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, Leonard Nimoy, Walter Koenig, and NASA director James Fletcher in 1976


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  • Pictures from this era are so odd to me. The entire country decides to wear wide/flare/bellbottom pants for like six years. Then decided to go back to the multitude of straighter leg options for the next 50 years. Flares pop up here and there and were even a big trend a few times. But literally everyone in this person is dressed in such a way that could only be the mid to late 1970’s. I feel like other decades have clothing that makes it at least a little bit more difficult to pinpoint an exact year. Maybe not.


    Pic is awesome and that was an unneeded digression. Thank you for entertaining me.

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