February 17, 2022 by heuiwneq [ad_1] Next level Role Play [ad_2] View Reddit by heuiwneq – View Source
Really cute and bonus because there’s a lalafell character in the story named Wedge. February 18, 2022 at 5:40 am Reply
Only in ffxiv . The whole game and community are on a different level😍 February 18, 2022 at 7:42 am Reply
I feel that half of the fun in that game is sometimes the names. Here are some weird names I have seen: Colonel Sanders-san (lalafell cosplay as him) Quest Giver Skooma Enjoyer Casting Couch Sweaty Spaghetti Buffed Pepe Sir Simp February 18, 2022 at 8:52 am Reply
*slams door*
FFXIV! Love this game.
Sleeps-On-Bridges from ESO for a new generation.
Really cute and bonus because there’s a lalafell character in the story named Wedge.
Only in ffxiv . The whole game and community are on a different level😍
Hey, leave the character alone. She is doing her best, ok.
I feel that half of the fun in that game is sometimes the names. Here are some weird names I have seen:
Colonel Sanders-san (lalafell cosplay as him)
Quest Giver
Skooma Enjoyer
Casting Couch
Sweaty Spaghetti
Buffed Pepe
Sir Simp
So is that a player or npc?
Next level repost
Now make one named ‘Welcome Mat’ and lay in front of her.