>May December is a 2023 American black comedy-drama film directed by Todd Haynes from a screenplay by Samy Burch, based on a story by Burch and Alex Mechanik. It follows an actress (Natalie Portman) who travels to Georgia to meet and study the life of the controversial woman (Julianne Moore) she is set to play in a film. It is loosely inspired by the story of Mary Kay Letourneau.[3]
Mary Kay Letourneau was an American sex offender and teacher who pleaded guilty in 1997 to two counts of felony second-degree rape of a child.
Pretty good movie, deals with some depressing and uncomfortable and difficult themes really well. Juliane Moore is great at playing this woman who has both done something truly horrific and evil, while at the same time being completely oblivious to it… she is not a likable character by any means, but a very fascinating one. It is just interesting to see someone who seem to be completely incapable of understanding her own wrongdoings, maybe that is her way of coping by how vile her actions were, or maybe she literally just is that naive, it is hard to tell.
Either way, it is a strong yet uncomfortable performance.
Saw it last night. Good movie.
>May December is a 2023 American black comedy-drama film directed by Todd Haynes from a screenplay by Samy Burch, based on a story by Burch and Alex Mechanik. It follows an actress (Natalie Portman) who travels to Georgia to meet and study the life of the controversial woman (Julianne Moore) she is set to play in a film. It is loosely inspired by the story of Mary Kay Letourneau.[3]
Mary Kay Letourneau was an American sex offender and teacher who pleaded guilty in 1997 to two counts of felony second-degree rape of a child.
Jesus christ.
Watched the trailer last week and felt sick, can’t wait
May December what? MAY DECEMBER WHAT?!?
Love love *love* this. I want to see this so badly!
Solid movie. Didn’t love it but I’m glad I saw it.
I hate this new trend of only last names on posters. Also this looks like a poster for a new Butterfly Effect
Looks like the poster of The Blackcoat’s Daughter
Who is Melton?
I bet my freshly groomed left nut that Moore and Portman will cry at some point in the movie.
Best movie of the year hands down for me.
Pretty good movie, deals with some depressing and uncomfortable and difficult themes really well. Juliane Moore is great at playing this woman who has both done something truly horrific and evil, while at the same time being completely oblivious to it… she is not a likable character by any means, but a very fascinating one. It is just interesting to see someone who seem to be completely incapable of understanding her own wrongdoings, maybe that is her way of coping by how vile her actions were, or maybe she literally just is that naive, it is hard to tell.
Either way, it is a strong yet uncomfortable performance.
So this isn’t a sweet romantic comedy series about an old solicitor falling in love with a woman half his age?
that poster does not particularly make me want to see the movie.
How Persona-y is this movie? (The poster looks like the one for Bergman’s “Face to Face”)
The poster looks like the butterfly effect.
Poster looks like two ladies “Oh facing”.
is it coming out in may or december
From the Law Offices of Portman, Moore, & Melton.
you know what this gives me flash back for? “judging by the cover” by Yatzzhe: “you better flag your face wings or ot may… december.
My favourite film of the year. So knotty and unnerving and biting and funny and heartbreaking. I will not stop singing its praises every chance I get.
Just listing the last names of actors is cheesy as fuck
This one nother one of Julianne’s crying flicks?
I met Natalie Portman in my apartment complex. Her kid was playing soccer on the tennis court. Our dogs said hi.
I thought this was for The Butterfly Effect, NGL.
I always find it upsetting, that the names are not above the faces corresponding to them.
Not liking the aesthetic of this poster tbh and hard to read. Movie looks interesting tho!
Is Melton suppose to be somebody as famous as either of his 2 costars?
I really hope this doesn’t glamorize what I think it’s going to glamorize.