The twist is gonna be that the exes are both secretly hooking up with the relaxed friend who isn’t hung up on relationships and is happy just being himself.
Pretty cool that Manny Jacinto is cast in this (I almost didn’t recognize him with long hair in the trailer) – he really stood out to me in A Good Place and I’m glad he is starting to get more roles.
My guess for the entire movie based on this one poster, having seen nothing else about this movie:
Charlie and Jenny Slate are obviously the exes of two people who are getting married. They realize they have the same goal of ending the relationship so they once again have a chance with their exes. They strike a deal that they will help each other split them up in a series of escalating dumb plans that continue to fail with comedic results. Along the way they realize that they are actually more compatible with each other than their former exes and fall in love. Everyone is happy. End of movie.
Okay, I’ll be the person to point out how bad the airbrushing in the poster is and the fact that neither lead has any texture whatsoever on their skin.
Everyone being smart in the comments, no one care if the rom_coms are predictable, it’s about the whole vibe, the banter, the dialog, the chemistry, etc.
Lemme guess they both get dumped because they’re kinda awful people, then in their single scene of grief they meet each other and realize they both want the same thing, they work together to break up their exes from each other slowly getting more and more aggressive, and while it at first seems to be working it only pushes the exes closer together, and by the end when they try to put on one final push they realize they have been falling for each other the whole time instead and they get together and live happily ever after (despite the fact that they are two clearly irredeemable people just looking to take advantage of someone else the easy (or maybe hard?) way)
I was literally just watching Parks and Rec as well as Always Sunny and good lord can I not wait to see Charlie Kelly and Mona-Lisa Sapperstein in a romcom
Two actors that are known for being loud as the leads. What could go wrong?
The twist is gonna be that the exes are both secretly hooking up with the relaxed friend who isn’t hung up on relationships and is happy just being himself.
Horrible Bosses. Any other good movie/performance Charlie has been in? I basically only see him as his Sunny character
Pretty cool that Manny Jacinto is cast in this (I almost didn’t recognize him with long hair in the trailer) – he really stood out to me in A Good Place and I’m glad he is starting to get more roles.
Looks fucking amazing!!
Was this an unused Kubrick idea?!
Jenny Slate? Singing* She’s the worst, SHEEES THE WOooooRST. She’s the worst.
edit: for any who may be wooshed, this is not a knock on Jenny Slate
I love these two so I’m definitely seeing this.
I saw Jenny Slate at a Whole Foods once and she has an incredible ass.
Finally more comedies.
Looking forward to this!
Wow, I wonder if this is gonna end with them moving on and falling for each other?
I can’t wait, this will definitely be one of the movies of 2022!
Lemme guess…they’ll both end up falling for each other in the end?
>Scott Eastwood
Crazy how much work this guy gets on name alone, since there’s no actual talent to be seen.
My guess for the entire movie based on this one poster, having seen nothing else about this movie:
Charlie and Jenny Slate are obviously the exes of two people who are getting married. They realize they have the same goal of ending the relationship so they once again have a chance with their exes. They strike a deal that they will help each other split them up in a series of escalating dumb plans that continue to fail with comedic results. Along the way they realize that they are actually more compatible with each other than their former exes and fall in love. Everyone is happy. End of movie.
Why do I always feel like the only one who appreciates prime video
Okay, I’ll be the person to point out how bad the airbrushing in the poster is and the fact that neither lead has any texture whatsoever on their skin.
The editing on this poster is so bad
Is it just me or did they photoshop Jenny Slate’s nose??
Holy shit. I can tell you the entire storyline from just that poster. But I suppose it’s the journey that makes it enjoyable… Watchable… Tolerable?
Jenny Slate? Ooof
Now I have that NSYNC song stuck in my head :\
Is Scott Eastwood the male competition against Charlie?
Bet the sequel is called take me back
Charlie Day is always type cast as the guy who wears a green jacket.
I trust this story will depict mature conversations, emotional accountability, and introspection by all parties involved.
Everyone being smart in the comments, no one care if the rom_coms are predictable, it’s about the whole vibe, the banter, the dialog, the chemistry, etc.
I like Jenny Slate, but when she left Big Mouth because she felt wrong voicing a black animated character, I lost some respect for her.
Clark Backo?! YEW!
I’m excited to see her in this, she’s great in Letterkenny.
The jacket Charlie is wearing almost looks like the one he always wears on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
So Addicted to Love? Ferris Beuller and Meg Ryan
This is gonna suck
Must be spaghetti day!
I want you back, the Waitress
~Charlie Kelly
No thanks
The two exes kissing have exquisite jaw lines. Should probably just move on.
Isn’t this the same plot of “Addicted to Love”?
Lemme guess they both get dumped because they’re kinda awful people, then in their single scene of grief they meet each other and realize they both want the same thing, they work together to break up their exes from each other slowly getting more and more aggressive, and while it at first seems to be working it only pushes the exes closer together, and by the end when they try to put on one final push they realize they have been falling for each other the whole time instead and they get together and live happily ever after (despite the fact that they are two clearly irredeemable people just looking to take advantage of someone else the easy (or maybe hard?) way)
I was literally just watching Parks and Rec as well as Always Sunny and good lord can I not wait to see Charlie Kelly and Mona-Lisa Sapperstein in a romcom
Jenny Slate will never not be Mona Lisa to me.
Why Clark Backo the baddest ever
+5 points if they use the Jackson 5 song.
+10 points it they use the *NSYNC song.
I like Charlie Day’s jacket.
!remindme in 11 days
Personally, i hope their plans are complete train wrecks. They just destroy their exes chances at happiness and hate each other.
Movie ends. Charlie ends the movie driving off with the waitress, “fuck this im moving to philly”