Is he doing the Luke Skywalker thing where he’s self exiled himself on some distant planet and the GOTG come looking for him when a new threat emerges?
If you had told me after Thor 2 that the movie I am, by far, most excited about (and have been for years) is Thor 4 I would have told you to put down the crack pipe.
I only hope this isn’t going to be one of those things where the male hero from an older era isn’t portrayed to be bumbling, incompetent, and played up for laughs. I understand there’s going to be a torch passing, but I have not been impressed with how Disney films have written their “strong female characters” lately, and I’m concerned with how they’ll handle this.
I don’t know how many films Thor needs to “find himself” but the dude’s been through some shit and deserves respect and a proper sendoff.
I bet he gets human courting advice from star lord who gives him tips from when he was a kid on earth back when holding boomboxes outside your girls window was still a thing.
Leaves from the vine
Falling so slow
Like fragile tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Brave soldier boy
Comes marching home
He lost his Valhalla buddies, his dad, his mom, his iron man, his captain america, his brother his entire world, got rejected by basically the last female warrior of his species, and his gf broke up with him and took his hammer.
Hmm, this is going to be interesting.
Pensive, contemplative, finding peace-in-life-without-carbs Thor.
More like Christ Hemsworth, amirite?
Good for Thor. Seems like he’s having a good time.
I’m gonna print this out, put it in a frame, and tell my grandma it’s Jesus.
How many films does it take for Thor to find himself ?
Is he doing the Luke Skywalker thing where he’s self exiled himself on some distant planet and the GOTG come looking for him when a new threat emerges?
It looks like he’s waiting for Aloy.
Ps battle post
I hope Loki doesn’t try to trick or betray Thor…..again.
I’m half expecting Master Oogway to show up and teach Thor about the significance of a peach.
Seven years in Tibet.
Resting and looking out on a grateful universe
A late-70s, soft-rock album cover, with the music either produced by Michael MacDonald or Kenny Loggins.
Then Jane Foster arrives with Mjolnir and Thor throws it away.
Thor: ~~Love and Thunder~~ Eat, Pray, Love
Its a nice picture. But its also a very obvious movie set
This looks like the sequel to Passion of the Christ
If you had told me after Thor 2 that the movie I am, by far, most excited about (and have been for years) is Thor 4 I would have told you to put down the crack pipe.
New image from the trailer they already released?
What is he, the Ghost of Tsushima?
He’s so good in Bad Times at the El Royale
That has some Wuxia film vibes
The background looks so fake lol
I only hope this isn’t going to be one of those things where the male hero from an older era isn’t portrayed to be bumbling, incompetent, and played up for laughs. I understand there’s going to be a torch passing, but I have not been impressed with how Disney films have written their “strong female characters” lately, and I’m concerned with how they’ll handle this.
I don’t know how many films Thor needs to “find himself” but the dude’s been through some shit and deserves respect and a proper sendoff.
I… is he wearing a Snuggie? I mean if so, I’m here for it.
I have never said this before, but that is the fakest looking rock I have ever seen. Pretty image, though.
Looks like a hallmark card.
Very pretty shot. Much better use of color than Ragnarok imo.
Thors going to become a pacifist.
Should’ve been called ‘Thor: Eat, pray, love
I bet he gets human courting advice from star lord who gives him tips from when he was a kid on earth back when holding boomboxes outside your girls window was still a thing.
Now that’s a mood
How can you NOT be excited for this movie!?
Leaves from the vine
Falling so slow
Like fragile tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Brave soldier boy
Comes marching home
What an amazing shot
Ooooo, that’s pretty.
Is this the origin of his character in bad times at the el royale?
I just read the Jason Aaron “Gorr” comic book series. It was FANTASTIC! Can’t wait for the movie.
Anyone else feel like this looks like the image for one of those “lo-fi beats to study slash relax to” youtubes?
He lost his Valhalla buddies, his dad, his mom, his iron man, his captain america, his brother his entire world, got rejected by basically the last female warrior of his species, and his gf broke up with him and took his hammer.
That mf Thanos:
– Made Tony commit suicide
– Made Nat commit suicide
– Made Cap a house husband
– Made Hulk a man of peace
– Made Hawkeye get into LARPing
– Made Thor search for the meaning of life
You know how hard you have to whoop someone’s ass to the point where it changes their outlook on life?