Perhaps no comedy franchise collapsed into awfulness as brutally as House Party. The original House Party is an absolute classic dance comedy with fun characters, great music, and memorable dancing. House Party 2 doesn’t live up to the original but you can’t forget a Pajama Jammy Jam. And then, straight off a cliff. By the end even Kid N Play didn’t want anything to do with the franchise.
Oooh looks like a fun film
Its a no for me dawg
House Party… as in Kid’n Play House Party?
The trailer looked so bad. They took over “LeBron James” mansion and threw a party.. that’d all I got from it
Perhaps no comedy franchise collapsed into awfulness as brutally as House Party. The original House Party is an absolute classic dance comedy with fun characters, great music, and memorable dancing. House Party 2 doesn’t live up to the original but you can’t forget a Pajama Jammy Jam. And then, straight off a cliff. By the end even Kid N Play didn’t want anything to do with the franchise.