I had an ongoing dodgeball tourney with a friend for about ten years. We had a world championship wrestling belt we would pass back and forth to the winner.
He’s flying back to the country today for a few weeks and there’s more than a good chance we will get at least a couple rounds of dodgeball in.
Love that game.
I played the ghostbusters game but it was confusing as hell, I enjoyed ghostbusters 2 game more.
When I saw the black cartridges I thought they may have been like the unlicensed cartridges I had as a kid. Little Red Hood is still one of the best gaming memories in my childhood.
I mean i came from my dads balls.
This brings back memories of blowing the cartridge out
What are these black cartridges?
I had an ongoing dodgeball tourney with a friend for about ten years. We had a world championship wrestling belt we would pass back and forth to the winner.
He’s flying back to the country today for a few weeks and there’s more than a good chance we will get at least a couple rounds of dodgeball in.
Love that game.
Forgot all about marble madness, I loved that shit.
No gold cartridge?
Had literally all of these except kung fu hero. Did have Kung Fu, though 🙂
Turtles cartridge brings up some memories! That game was so hard. Also, the SMB3 games is quite possibly one of my favorite games of all time.
wow Marble Madness, that brings back some throwing the controller at the wall memories
I came from the womb of my mother. But you do you op!
The NES was so crappy! It had lots of shovelware.
M***** F****** Marble Madness. That game still pisses me off to this day.
I see TMNT on NES, automatically gets a like.
I played the ghostbusters game but it was confusing as hell, I enjoyed ghostbusters 2 game more.
When I saw the black cartridges I thought they may have been like the unlicensed cartridges I had as a kid. Little Red Hood is still one of the best gaming memories in my childhood.