Netflix’s The Sandman: Exclusive “Lucifer” Clip (2022) Tom Sturridge, Gwendoline Christie
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Netflix’s The Sandman: Exclusive “Lucifer” Clip (2022) Tom Sturridge, Gwendoline Christie
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Take my money. Oh…wait they already have it.
Where’s the other two demons that make up the Triumvarate of Hell?
maybe I’m imagining things, but I noticed that in all the Sandman clips the aspect ratio seems to switch back and forth, some scenes look stretched vertically
Seems they are skipping the triumvirate of Hell, but this is looking really good.
Are they digitally narrowing his body? It looks slightly artificial and feels off.
Why that grandma hair on Lucifer though?
Mazikeen looks so….disappointing.
This looks comically bad
Gwendoline Christie is 6’3″. The wings are real, at least, costume real, aside from when they flap. That’s CGI. But they are 7′ tall. You know Gwendoline wore heels to up her height. Between the wings and her height she must have looked so utterly imposing in person.
I can’t help but think how Tom Ellis’ Lucifer would have such a flirt off with Gwendoline’s Lucifer. And the two Mazis would just scowl at each other until one them broke and offered to buy the other an entire bar’s worth of liquor.
A little disappointed by how… tame the demons look. Was hoping for something really grotesque. But otherwise this looks fantastic. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Does this look kinda…. cheap to anyone else? Looks like Xena.
Why this show seem like it has a weird filter? The trailer was like this too. Like the whole thing looks like a dream sequence.
I’m liking this adaptation quite a lot. Seems like they merged some stuff from vol. 1 and 2, which is – honestly – welcoming. Specially the part about superheroes. On vol. 1 it feels so out-of-place, and the story really takes off after vol. 3. I hope the series can capture its essence.
Yeah I wanna and gonna watch… but I’m going to need to know what the hell is going on.
I like that it’s a completely different direction. You can’t do Bowie so why try?
If this was connected with the Lucifer show, would this take place before or after it?
This series having no DC characters absolutely ruins it imo
I just watch a clip from sandman where Tom sturridge or however you spell his name looks identical to this. I’m guessing maybe it’s the same character or something in both. But is there both a sandman and Lucifer show on Netflix or was I supposed to just know “Lucifer” clip was from sandman. Really confused right now.
Story aside, these clips look so “cheap”
I wish they shadowed Morpheus’ eyes, as he was portrayed in the print version