Netflix’s One Piece Official Trailer with the original Japanese voice actors
View Reddit by Sisiwakanamaru – View Source
Netflix’s One Piece Official Trailer with the original Japanese voice actors
View Reddit by Sisiwakanamaru – View Source
I bet you a lot of TV writers already have a “Netflix’s One Piece Cancelled After One Season” article draft already in their folders lol
Damn, I think I want to watch in Japanese with English subtitles
Seeing this with the original anime voices gives me goosebumps. Only 6 more days to enjoy this masterpiece!
This is going to suck so bad and get cancelled after 1 season
“One Piece at home.”
lol, love the butthurt. We all know it’ll go the way of Cowboy Bebop.
this just made the trailer 10x better. Would probably watch it like this instead of the original voice.
One Piece don’t need this …
Uuuh where the Asians in it?
I just don’t see how this is going to work unless it has something really unique and interesting. When talking about adaptations that usually means great casting and performances. But they are hyping the original voice cast. So what is the appeal of this? The animation is certainly better than this cgi interpretation. And the cast has little opportunity to make themselves stand out if they are voiced by the original cast. They are trying to appeal to the fans of the anime by making it more like the anime. Well why wouldn’t fans just watch the anime then? Overall this seems like a bit of a misguided project. Why not bring something more obscure or less well-known to live action. For example. I would watch like a evangelion or gundam cgi live action show. I feel like giant mechs have a big impact when it comes to live action that is different from anime.