‘Near the little stream’ – 7×5” gouache I painted today! [OC]
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‘Near the little stream’ – 7×5” gouache I painted today! [OC]
View Reddit by bunkerbash – View Source
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Simply lovely.
Very peaceful
I love it. Wonderful style. I want to live in this painting.
Very studio ghibli style nice!
Amazing work!!! Do you have a website or gallery or your work?
Great work!
Love this
Very good work! Watercolours?
When I was a kid, the first Bridge to Terabithia movie was new, and there was a small stretch of woods at the far end of the street in the town i grew up in. It wasn’t a park. It was probably village property. A steady trickle of rainwater runoff ran through there to the town storm drains. The water was just barely a stream, not even a creek, just a drainage ditch. It felt completely magical whenever i went there to wander around. It felt exactly like this picture you’ve made. There were a few trees with gnarly roots that the water flowed over, and some mossy rocks here and there. There might have been some fungus or mushrooms, and there were definitely raccoons and possibly a few roving deer. Right next to the wooded area there were a dozen dirt mounds called The Craters by the kids who rode BMX and dirtbikes on them. A few years later, it all got levelled and turned into McMansions.
Looks great!
Nostalgic for some reason, kinda hurts a bit…. But also calming?? Good work none the less :L
Really well done, do you consider selling your work?