Near Dark (1987) – RedLetterMedia re:View
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Near Dark (1987) – RedLetterMedia re:View
View Reddit by JannTosh12 – View Source
I just watched this movie recently. I really wish they would release it digitally. It’s on no streaming services, and isn’t buyable anywhere I looked. Good movie but very hard to find.
Yeah that’s one of my favorites from my youth. I saw it with a bunch of people who were very into vampires of the contemporary conventional start, you know your poofy shirts and icy disdain sort of vampires, and they were shocked and didn’t know what to think and kept up making excuses for it. It’s a good movie on a lot of levels. it’s probably one of the great vampire movies I think. You hardly ever see their vampire movies where the people who made the movies have clearly decided, quote let’s go out and make a different sort of vampire movie. ” But that’s what this is.
Katherine Bigelow directed this movie. Look at her list of movies. She makes good things and this is one of them. Hurt locker, zero dark thirty, point break.
It is available to stream in Canada on Hollywood Suite OD and Starz.
Jay: It’s a slice of life
Rich: ah I’d say it’s a portrait of the day in the life of these vampires
lmao jesus christ
That video isn’t available in the US 🤣
Weird your link in unavailable.
They are right about availability. I’ve been trying to find this movie for a while. I can only get a copy if I’m willing to pay like $160 for one.
The video got copyright struck so the video in the OP was taken down. But they re-posted the vid at this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCU21cRMGgk
This movie is finger lickin good!