Saturday, September 28All That Matters

Naval officer Nobuo Fujita, the only pilot in history to bomb the mainland United States by enemy aircraft in time of war. As a sign of later friendship received the key to the city of Brookings, Oregon, 1940s

Naval officer Nobuo Fujita, the only pilot in history to bomb the mainland United States by enemy aircraft in time of war. As a sign of later friendship received the key to the city of Brookings, Oregon, 1940s

Naval officer Nobuo Fujita, the only pilot in history to bomb the mainland United States by enemy aircraft in time of war. As a sign of later friendship received the key to the city of Brookings, Oregon, 1940s

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  • eaglemaxie

    The Bombing

    “Sixteen miles east of Brookings, Oregon, is the site of the first bombing of the mainland United States by enemy aircraft. Just before dawn on September ninth, 1942, a Japanese submarine surfaced twenty-five miles off Cape Blanco near Port Orford, Oregon. The submarine contained a tiny, modified Zero fighter plane that could be launched by a catapult. Loaded with two 170 pound incendiary bombs, the plane headed south. The bombs were dropped on the slopes of Wheeler Ridge on the sides of Mt Emily with the hope of starting a forest fire that would weaken the war resolve of the United States. Due to wet conditions that fall, the small fire was easily controlled. Today that event and location are commemorated at the Mt. Emily Bombsite Trail,”

  • Giulione74

    It’s true that he bombed Oregon (if I remember well) with a seaplane, but it was a Yokosuka E14Y, an earlier and much smaller plane in service in the early forties. The plane pictured here is an Aichi M6A Seiran, a more advanced bomber who was ready for action at the end of the war, but never saw action.

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