Nathaniel P. Banks was 36 years old when this picture was taken in 1852. He would later be a U.S. congressman, the governor of Massachusetts, and a Union Army general during the American Civil War.
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He kind of looks like Seth Meyers.
What a dandy!
Why is his head so big?
Dan Stevens?
Damn he looks sper young
I think r/VintageLadyBoners would like a word
Why do men in 1800s always have messy hair that looks like it’s never been washed or combed?
Seth Grene’s great-great-grat-uncle
I think he was also a writer on the office
I will see myself out.
Whats up with that tie? Also, totally Seth Meyers!
Commissary Banks…
wiry, spry
His military career was… less than stellar.
This a joke? Straight up looks like dirt nasty
I see more Seth green than Seth Myers
Paul Walker watching Dom Toretto steal his carriage.
You’re putting us on. That’s Dan Stevens.
I guess (men’s) haircuts haven’t changed all that much in 150 years! You could see hits haircut on someone today and it wouldn’t really look out of place.
Charlie Pruh!!
The men who built America.
Question is did he miss the button or did he lose the button. Before becoming a badass.
Commissary Banks as the Stonewall Brigade said…
Banks was maligned but he had the unfortunate luck of being arrayed against Thomas J Jackson…the most hyper-aggressive, brilliant and cold battlefield commanders the United States ever produced.