Naked Gun’s Hard-to-Find Deleted and Extended Scenes from the TV Cut are on YouTube Now
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Naked Gun’s Hard-to-Find Deleted and Extended Scenes from the TV Cut are on YouTube Now
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I think I saw these scenes on Comedy Central when they would air this film.
I’ve been looking for that extended dock scene! no idea why they cut that out.
They should try to remake this but I really don’t know if anyone could pull it off like Leslie Nielsen did. Possibly Steve Carrel?
When I first saw the film, I knew there was a missing scene in the finale involving the Umpire’s padding somehow deflating. Truthfully, it was a wise cut in the end and many of these alternate versions were obviously meant to soften the material for TV presentation.
Still, fun to see these alternate/extended versions and makes me want to revisit the film yet again…!
Need to do this for *Born In East LA*
There are one time in my life I’ve laughed until I was close to passing out (and one time where it actually happened). When I got real, real close was when Frank was trying to escape in Naked Gun 2 1/2 and Dr. Meinheimer wearing it. I was laughing so hard the walls started closing in.
I love how you can see at [10:52](https://youtu.be/rhb2LohBUVA?t=652) that Big Al doesn’t have a head.
I wish this brand of comedy would make a return.
always weird to see OJ
oh poor you!
I always forget the Mayor is the same actress that played Tony Sopranos mother.
ICYMI: Frank’s boss in the thumbnail is Nancy Marshand, aka Tony Sopranos’ mother!
I guess the old VHS of Naked Gun my parents had must’ve been taped off of cable somewhere – the “Nice Beaver” joke was always intact whenever I watched it.