Mysterious Moth I found on a walk today [OC]
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Mysterious Moth I found on a walk today [OC]
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It is a brand new invasive species for us to deal with. Spotted lanternfly. Exterminate em.
Kill those fuckers on sight, they kill trees. They also are spring loaded and are good for about three jumps, but usually after that they get tired and you can squish them easy.
Spotted lanternfly. Terminate with extreme prejudice. They make a satisfying squish and leave a blood red spot to mark your kill.
perfect weapon to kill em, I love mine!
No moth lantern fly. Kill on sight.
Lantern fly. Here in my state it’s “kill on sight”. This summer my yard is infested with those things.
I think that’s a lantern-fly
Kill on sight
Not that it’s going to matter at this point though, all of us killing every one we see isn’t going to stop these newest invasive fucking things
It’s too bad they’re terrible treekillers. They’re very pretty. But yeah. Kill it.
Damn I saw a whole bunch of these near a hotel I stayed at recently woulda stomped them all if I knew.
Where abouts are you?
Kill em’ and report them to your local agriculture department agency. The sooner they are aware of their presence, the quicker they can try to get ahead of the spread before they begin to damage crops etc.
Lantern moth -KILL IT NOW
I know it’s too late to kill it but you should report it to your state ag program. Just google “report spotted lateen fly in [NJ]”
A head-on swat or if they’re on the ground simply get up close rest your stepping foot on its heel, watch which way it wants to turn, pivot as necessary and bring your foot down. They hit us in PA back in 2020. Lost count how many I got.
Seen a bunch here on Long Island. I been stomping them to death and reporting it to DEC. SPOTTED LANTERN FLY that’s an adult. Will lay 20-50 eggs and eat all the trees.
Seen a bunch here on Long Island. I been stomping them to death and reporting it to DEC. SPOTTED LANTERN FLY that’s an adult. Will lay 20-50 eggs and eat all the trees.
As a Pennsylvanian my advice is to kill these motherfuckers on sight. My back patio is infested with them, and although they are harmless to humans they fly right at you and will crawl all over you. Super invasive kill any and all you see.
Uh oh you have them. Theyre everywhere. I live in philly and we have had them for probavly 6 to 8 years now. Say hello to mr LANTERN FLY. The babys cant fly they fing like a grasshopper. U have to kill them whenever you see them. They eat crops plants and trees. They dont hurt people. Theyre just annoying as fuck when they land in your hair.
Kill it with fire.
You know, for the sake of the environment.
Lantern fly…kill it on sight..if you can. Those fuckers are quick
That’s a lantern-fly. Kill it.
Latern Flies, they destroy trees. Kill them on site
Murder. Death. Kill.
You might check with your county and see if you should report the location of your sighting. A lot of places are tracking the spread
Looks like a spider with wings 😧
It’s a spotted Lanternfly
I kill them with my cane!
Report them and kill on site
invasive species.kill on sight here.
Kill those fuckers. Kill every bug.

Spotted Lanternfly. Kill it. Highly invasive
Im gonna assume you live either in PA, New Jersey or Delaware but if you live in those areas im surprised you never heard about these buggers.
Spotted Lantern Fly if I’m not mistaken. New invasive species to the USA that is decimating crops (primarily fruit trees and grapes). First sightings have been around Pennsylvania but it is only a matter of time. Kill on sight and report to local DA offices
Damn spotted lantern flies have killed soooooo many once-beautiful trees in my area. KOS.
That’s no mysterious moth, that is the dreaded spotted lanternfly. KILL IT. It came to the East Coast (PA) area a few years ago on a ship I believe, it is not native to North America and we have been trying to control its spread. What state are you in?
That’s a spotted lantern fly bro. They’re invasive pests in the US. I think they come from somewhere in Asia.
that’s no mystery moth. That thing is destroying trees in NJ, PA, MD and other states
Report them too:
Lantern fly they are destroying trees in the northeast
Lmfao. Did not expect the lantern fly on the front page.
Spotted latern fly, stomp it!