My wife packed a homemade pizza roll in my lunch.
View Reddit by donquixote235 – View Source
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My wife packed a homemade pizza roll in my lunch.
View Reddit by donquixote235 – View Source
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I hate to break it to you, but your wife might be [Bhaal, the Lord of Murder](https://imgs.search.brave.com/66t4ZZ3i_jaNenK25SpqM5va-nCe4EQ-xP6V9cRxsd0/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9kYjRz/Z293anFmd2lnLmNs/b3VkZnJvbnQubmV0/L2NhbXBhaWducy8x/MTYxODkvYXNzZXRz/LzcxMTU2MS9uZXdf/YmFsZHVyX3NfZ2F0/ZV9nYW1lLmpwZz8x/NDg5NDY1NzA4)
Tis spooky day
The best part was that I dropped my lunch when I was putting it in the work fridge this morning, and when I opened it at lunch there was arterial marinara blood EVERYWHERE!
You hold her. You hold her and NEVER let her go
Your wife is cool 😎
What a great wife!
Buy that woman an eternity ring, now
Battle for middle earth 2
Total annihilation
StarCraft 1
Pizza skull*
We have that cast iron muffin pan too!
Test your brakes next time before leaving.
Double wife her, YOU MUST.
This feels cozy.
How big is that actually? Is it just the size of a normal pizza roll or big enough that packing just one is enough?
Pizza Skull?! Usidore is going to be thrilled about this one