My wife got me this a long time ago, and I’m almost old enough to put it to the test.
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My wife got me this a long time ago, and I’m almost old enough to put it to the test.
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Careful, one of those merch spammers will steal this design and then start spamming it on a link to a shady e-store.
A song I recently found that has an enjoyable sound also has 1 line that pissed me off
Basically, the guy says he’s giving up his video games for her. Absolutely annoys me. Shouldn’t have to give up something he likes to please her. Sounds childish
Which seems to be pretty much what the song is about. Nonetheless, still annoyed
There’s a toy reviewer YouTube channel with a great outro.
“Remember, you don’t stop playing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop playing.”
What a condescending mug…
Flashbacks to my math teachers saying “No naked numbers”
Math teachers must be furious seeing a mug like this. They’re probly like, “When you’re 50? 50 what? 50 seconds from making another noob mistake and still playing videogames?”
51, believe it or not stright to divorce court.
“Hey everyone, I’m married! That’s all.”
Maybe it’s just because my girlfriend is just as much a gamer as me, but this mug honestly seems like a backhanded insult. Glad you like it though.
Not far off the big 5-0, FML 😭
Lucky guy, she’s a keeper.
A real 1
50 isn’t even that old though. I mean it’s grown af for sure but you’re not even elderly at that point. I’m 32 btw.
I wanna be like that 90 year old grandma that got the Guinness world record for oldest gamer
Yeah, what an insult, like id give her one saying i vow to love you even when youre being a judgmental cunt, looking down on the world from youre high horse. Youre ignorance and arrogance knows no bounds. Or u could just fo the exact same thing and swap out with what she likes to do, probably watching some cringey drama on the tv.
The people who think video games are for kids get on my nerves tho. It just proves the ignorance, those video games have better stories than alot of the crap she watches on tv.
“But, if you *aren’t* still playing video games at 50, then you’re *boring* and *fuck you* – I will so be out of there.”