None of our irl friends would care so I’m sharing it here. This was hard
View Reddit by Ma_zenki – View Source
None of our irl friends would care so I’m sharing it here. This was hard
View Reddit by Ma_zenki – View Source
What is it?
I must admit! You’ve done well 😃
Some of the stamps are really cute! Congratulations to both of you!
Nintendo should have an achievement system using these.
Best Mario game!
Wow dude, well done that must’ve taken quite a while
Woah impressive!
I have 5 so far.
Gave me flashbacks of rainbow road
Impressive!! Never been able to find the stamps for like half the levels!
Congrats! This was a tough one to do. I didn’t have anyone to play it with and ended up connecting multiple wavebird receivers to the same channel to play multiple characters at a time
And you got all character stamps, I remember playing this on the Wii U, being so relieved I beat the final level and seemingly achieved 100% percent and then the game tells me to do all that 4 more times
Holeeey crap. Nice work, my guy. Huge accomplishment. Took me about two weeks just to beat Champion’s Road with ONE character. I decided against the fifth star at that point. Big respect.
That is a legit accomplishment
Great job! I assume you finished Campion’s Road as well?
Jesus, that’s some dedication. Great job!
Damn! Good job, my room mate and I went back and got all the stars to unlock the final challenge levels and NOPED right out when we realized how hard they were lol
Congratsl is a really big challenge completed. by the way Did yall beat the impossible level together?
This is really hard. Congratulations.
That’s insane. I remember giving up on this one on the Wii U. When I found out I had to beat that champions road level with every character, I was like nope.
Congrats, getting the main character stamps is such a pain
Congrats you two!
You absolutely should be. Congratulations.
Good job!
What if I tell you there’s actually a super secret stamp in the game that you have yet to collect?
I can only beat Champions Road with Rosalina. The complete stamp set is impressive! Nice work