My son put a wooden burger in my cup and now its stuck. Ideas on how to get it out?
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My son put a wooden burger in my cup and now its stuck. Ideas on how to get it out?
View Reddit by GamerGuyAlly – View Source
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Smash the cup over the kids head
Get a sharp-tipped screw, screw it into the burger, pull it out. Should work with only minimal burger damage.
A screw
Some oil and butterknife maybe? How stuck is it? You can’t turn the cup upside down and have it fall out?
Hot glue on the end of a pencil
Blow hard on one side or use a compressed gas duster or compressed air. It has to be on the perimeter, not straight on. The high velocity jet should get through the small gap between the wood and the cup and pressurize the back side, lifting the wood up.
screw an eyehook into it and yank it out with string looped through the eyehook.
smash the mug. i assume you have a couple that have only ever held dust. say good bye to this mug. thank it for it’s dutiful service. grab hammer; spark joy.
Let it dry wood expands when wet.
Soak the burger with gasoline. Light it up. Pour out the ashes.
Is this cup a family heirloom?
Fill the cup with mayonnaise and microwave it for an hour
Update: screw in the wood, will not come out when pulling on the screw.
Half a stick of butter and a microwave for a minute
Vacuum cleaner with its hose.
Turn the cup upside down and heat the bottom (now top) with either very hot running water or a heat gun….should cause the cup to expand enough that if you tap on it a few times it’ll pop out.
Unless it’s stuck because of residue in the bottom of the cup
Cut the cup in half, take burger out
Drop some cooking oil in there and wait a few minutes then turn it upside down
Set the wood on fire
add a cm of water and stick it in the freezer till frozen, heat up the cup it should pop out.
Use an electric drill and drill enough holes in the burger until it loses structural integrity and breaks up so you can take it out?
Invert mug
Put Bluetooth speaker on it
Play boogie-woogie music until object is dislodged
Call Termites ‘Я’ Us.
Somehow you guys always find a way to make the content on this sub worse.
Threaten to disinherit him. That should do it.
keep us updated
Smash it
Hot then cold water then let it dry out it will expand then shrink hold upside down and done
Don’t get it wet. Just put it someplace warm, sunny and dry for a few days, the wood will shrink and you should be able to pop it out. If it doesn’t come out easy, screw a small hook (that won’t penetrate all the way through the burger) into the center of it, then fasten a string to help with leverage.
Hit the cup hard with a hammer. Separate wooden burger from cup shards. Works 100% of the time.
In the oven at 170 for a while. It will cook the moisture out of the wood and expand the cup. Magic.
Put it in the oven at 250F for 3-5 hours upside down. If you pick up the cup and the disk falls out you’re done.