My son Mac just had his first solid food: avocado
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My son Mac just had his first solid food: avocado
View Reddit by ThePeoplesBard – View Source
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What a roaring success. What a beautiful happy face.
He was uncertain at first. Two minutes later he asked me to smear it on toast with cracked pepper then requested a copy of the Washington Post and an American Spirit.
That’s an expensive habit you’ve started him on.
My sons first food and subsequently worst diaper rash episode later. Good luck.

Classic. Looks like he enjoyed playing with it, as much as he enjoyed eating it.
Also, get your child an orange cat. Name is cheese.
You can now start a photo album titled “Mac & Cheese”
Who freakin cares?
Mac is a cutie and it looks like he’s hooked on the ‘cados!
That look says “This is going to be an interesting poop later. For all of us!”
Happy babies are a special kind of salve. Congrats!
My very first nephew is named Mac (: what a cutie
Don’t post kids on internet, for your own and his good
Just curious – why post pictures of your kids on Reddit?
I’m a parent and as far as I’m concerned my kids won’t have pics online until their adults (if I can help it)
Putting pics of your kids and advertising it for all the world to see I think will some day be looked at as freaking nuts.
Shit the last thing I’d call solid food is avocado, but yeah yeah I get it
JESUS, we’re not ready for another recession! Damn Gen Alpha and their avocado (& toast)
He’ll never buy a house that way
An avocado!
Can you consider Avocados solid food? It’s just as mushy as baby food
Forgive me, but, that doesn’t look all that solid to me…
Should’ve been cheese
Such a happy cutie ♥️
Stop buying avacodo’s
they’re devastating for nature the way humans grow them
I see hes cultivating mass
Really wish baby pics were banned on this sub.
ah, to be a cheerful avocado painter
Costs an American $310,605 to raise a child to the age of 18.
$520,845 with guac.
Fk off to some other sub with this. Idc Its a pic, that way i could take pic of shit and put it here.
Posting your child’s face and name on Reddit is a weird flex. I will never understand why people want strangers on the internet looking at photos of their children.
Parents are way too comfortable with throwing pictures of their babies onto the Internet
Why are people using Reddit as their social media platflorm to post pictures of their kids. This is weird.
Cute photo. But you should not be posting pics of your kids on a massive anonymous Internet forum. Especially with their name included.

No one cares about your messy fucking kid.
I wouldn’t call avocado solid food.
Awwww!!! He’s so cute!!!!
Literally no one cares.