My slap bracelet is just an old piece of a tape measure
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My slap bracelet is just an old piece of a tape measure
View Reddit by the_azure_sky – View Source
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Love how every month this gets “discovered” online for many years now.
On the plus side you also got “Street Sharks”
Always has been
I shouldn’t be surprised and yet I am.
Didn’t realise there were 5 year old redditors on here
If my childhood self had only known this I would be rich.
Granted, my childhood self knew about both slap bracelets and tape measures, so that little dumbass should have put 2 and 2 together. Fuck that kid
They all are.
Recycling at it’s best
Reduce reuse recycle!
How do we know it’s an “old” tape measure? Who recycles tape measures?
Still slaps
Ahh the OG fidget slapper
As a kid I used to comment on the similarities. I wasn’t off
In ‘94, I sliced my finger with one of these. Still have the scar to this day.
I just randomly opened one up a week ago and found this out too. It’s really odd. However, the ruler had some Chinese on it as well.
Remember in the early 90s every gas station had slap bracelets by the register with a bunch of different designs.
Cover it back up OP! Do you know you can slit your wrist that way?!
The 90’s called, they want their post back. J/k. But post like these were on the internet years ago, funny to see them popping back up
Probably not old. Just tape measure that failed quality checks. Or perfectly good new tape measure.
My new tape measure is just a bunch of future slap-bracelets
Some things get ruined when you look inside, not this! Much more useful now
Yep, they all are.
I’ve worked with these kind of toys manufacturing companies. That measuring tape is brand new. Often, sourcing raw metal is more expensive than repurposing new measuring tapes straight from bulk purchase. That’s just how huge production economy work. This is not recycling. This is repurposing. Straight outta China™
Yep, every time we Americans find a metric-only tape measure, we turn it into child jewelry because we absolutely refuse to go metric.
i’d wager most slap bracelets are repurposed measuring tapes.
Lol I remember those! I had one when MC Hammer was topping the charts, my slap bracelet said “Hammer Time” on it 😂
Add it to the list of times this has been posted
I’m “slap bracelets were banned from school” years old. Damn.
I remember my school banning them cuz they cut some kids wrist
Aren’t they all?
Guys. They are all cut pieces of tape measure. That’s always what they were.