They must have been crazy rich! I had to split one those bottles of soda with my sister and two cousins. I never had the pleasure of drinking from the original glass. I would line up four eight ounce Tupperware cups and enjoy the pouring and dividing birth right of the oldest kid.
Look at the old school glass bottle of Pepsi!
That phone cord. I remember when they would stretch down the hall and under your closed door. Awesome
Your mom is Hillary Clinton?!
She’s kinda hot
She’s leaning on a water bed
She’s a pretty girl.
That Pepsi bottle looks huge
They must have been crazy rich! I had to split one those bottles of soda with my sister and two cousins. I never had the pleasure of drinking from the original glass. I would line up four eight ounce Tupperware cups and enjoy the pouring and dividing birth right of the oldest kid.
Definitely cool! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I miss playing with phone chords
Wish they sold pop like that again…The ocean would like it too..
Why were everyones parents hot? I mean, so were mine, but why though?
What does her shirt say?
Chelsea? That you?
Ah, who else remembers the Coke and Pepsi wars of the 80s?
Was she talking to ur dad lol
Couldn’t tell you why but Pepsi definitely tasted better in those old bottles. Yes, I’m old. 49 today.
That phone cord probably goes all the way back to the kitchen
She’s got those Sassoon jeans on..!
I loved those mile long phone cords.
Serious nerd-cuteness
When you look up “cute girl, 1980s” in the dictionary
Jenna Fischer?
*slaps roof of r/OldSchoolCool*
This bad boy can fit so many hot moms in it
For all you kids that phone is called a landline. /S
Bailey from WKRP vibes
Didn’t think it was possible for phone cords to unlock core memories
Is that a waterbed behind her?
Your mom was a rocket laucher.