My local news station published an article stating that 167 swimming pools have the same amount of water as… the Atlantic Ocean. The literal ocean 🤦🏻♂️
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My local news station published an article stating that 167 swimming pools have the same amount of water as… the Atlantic Ocean. The literal ocean 🤦🏻♂️
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They did say about
Think they have mistaken cubic kilometers for liters as that’s about 320 which roughly fits their math.
They just do not realise there is like a trillion litres of water in a cubic kilometer
The Atlantic Ocean has 82 Billion Billion gallons of water.
The Atlantic Ocean is at least 4 Olympic pools
I would move to higher ground if I lived in Kirksville
Damn so it costs over $2.000.000 to chlorinate the Atlantic Ocean each year
I don’t get it. Could somebody please translate this into football fields so the rest of us can understand?
How did this get past anyone’s bullshit meter? Possibly they’ve never seen or sailed on the sea. Planes and maps don’t give a sense of scale- of how vast the oceans really are
In Kirksville they teach meth instead of math
Does anyone know how many pinto beans this is? I only measure liquids in pinto.
The correct anwser would be “More than 167 swimming pools”. 😀
I think there might be a decimal point in the wrong place somewhere….
WILDLY wrong place.
Best guess is they confused gallons with cubic kilometers and then moved a decimal place over. 10 cubic kilometers, 1 gallon…Basically the same
??? The Atlantic Ocean has 82 Billion BILLION gallons. Or 410 Trillion of those pools. 😱
Phelps should do a world swim, could swim from US to Australia and back in about 10 minutes
#New Headline
Rural Missouri newspaper shows the dangers of failing to teach the metric system of measurement.
They’re a little off…
“The Atlantic Ocean contains 310,410,900 cubic kilometers of water. This is a hard number to grasp, but, for reference, Lake Tahoe contains ~150 cubic kilometers of water. Or, another way of looking at it is that 1 cubic kilometer = 264.17 billion gallons. So, doing a simple conversion, the Atlantic Ocean contains 82 billion billion gallons. That’s a lot of water!”
Even if you assume they mistook “cubic kilometers” for “gallons”, they are still off by a decimal point.
1 cubic kilometer = 264.17 billion gallons. / 200,000 and that’s 1,320,850 swimming pools per cubic kilometer.
x 310,410,900 = 410,006,237,265,000 swimming pools.
Why are people so worried about sea level rise we just need 2 to 3 more of these pools.
You’d need like 50 rolls of Bounty paper towels to soak up that much water!
The rest of Missouri has entered the chat……..
I feel like this was written at Pancake City at 3 am
Kirksville, MO!?
Some idiot is going to remember this “fact” they read in the newspaper and in 15 years there’s going to be a “the oceans aren’t as big as they tell you” movement and we’re going to be arguing with smoothbrains online about how they can’t swim across the Atlantic in 3 days no matter how good a swimmer they are.
They’ll probably use this exact screenshot as evidence of some kind of cover-up when the redaction gets published.
Big Ocean will become a thing
In 1492 Columbus sailed the outdoor pool at the Kirksville Aquatic Center.
The meth checks out
Years ago, my local paper ran an article about the “old days” before the advent of the electric refrigerator, when iceboxes were in use in homes. They wrote:
The ice truck would follow the milk truck. Just like the sign you’d put in your window saying that your wanted milk delivered, you’d put a sign in your window next to it telling the ice truck driver you wanted either a 20-foot or a 50-foot block of ice.
It didn’t take a genius to realize it would be *pounds*, not *feet*. A simple error made such a difference in the article. Just how big is that truck?
I mean, that’s partially true. The Atlantic Ocean does technically hold 33.4 million gallons of water. It holds more than that too, but it also holds 33.4 million gallons of water.
The Titanic had an olympic size swimming pool on it. So when it sank, it increased the volume of the ocean’s water by 6%!