Monday, February 3All That Matters

My husband went to pick up a few groceries alone. I got a call from him for advice every few minutes.


My husband went to pick up a few groceries alone. I got a call from him for advice every few minutes.


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  • I do most of the grocery shopping for the house, but my wife makes the list. I have definitely had to call multiple times. I’ve now gotten into the habit of making one call at the end for all the items I’m confused about, whether the instructions are unclear, they’re sold out, etc.

  • I love the mix of projecting, sexism, judgement, support, and empathizing in the comments here. I’m seriously on an emotional roller coaster.

    You’ve managed to shine light on people’s core challenges in their own inter-personal relationships with one post, kudos.


  • I was sent on the errand today too and my call history doesn’t look too different. She wanted fat-free Greek yogurt. They were out but they had low fat Greek yogurt…. There’s just too much at stake. You can’t get these things wrong.. you cant leave it to chance

  • lol, It used to be the other way around in my home. My now future-wife would call 3-5 times if she went to the grocery. It annoyed the hell out of me at first. Then I started to notice other instances of her bending over backwards to make me happy. I demanded she “cut it out and chill”. She broke down and panicked. Turns out she came from an abusive home, and was just terrified of doing something wrong in fear of what might happen to her. Took her a long time to relax and learn I wasn’t going to complain if something isn’t perfect, I wasn’t going to beat her or leave her – I was just happy to have her in my life no matter what she brought home from the grocery, I was just happy that someone loved me and wanted to come home to me.

  • I do this when shopping for my mom because almost 20 years ago when I was in high school she sent me for sausage buns from the bakery section of the store. They didn’t have the sausage ones but they did have the hot dog buns so I got them. Got home and heard “Nooooo…these are hot dog buns.” I explained that I put the emphasis on fresh made from the bakery, not in the bread aisle. Didn’t matter.

  • I see these guys at the super market on their phones. “I’m in the salad dressing aisle and I’m telling you there is only the blue bottle kind.” “Yes I’m sure.” “Wait a minute, I’ll show you.” And then they proceed to take a picture of the items on the shelf and send it to their spouse.

  • I do this too. It kinda sucks but it’s also okay.

    I mean if I put bananas on the sheet and my wife picks up 1 green or 209 ripe im just glad she picked up bananas but she thinks about things differently…when im shopping for her list she wants what she specified so I check in to make sure she gets it.

    If you really don’t care about the results let your partner know that. If you do, respect that your partner knows enough to confirm when they don’t feel like they have enough information to make the best decision for your household.

  • This was me when my husband sent me to Home Depot and Lowe’s while working on our house. It was brutal. Shit was so hard to find. And their customer service sucks! Also it’s stressful to go between the two stores to try to find what you need. Writing this is bringing back memories *cry.

  • A list I wrote for my wife

    10kg sack white flour. Great plains
    5lba sack apples, gala
    2 bunches of bananas
    3 whole raw chickens
    3 x 1L cartons half and half
    10lbs russet potatoes.

    Grocery list my wife has gotten me

    Dinner veg
    Some fruits
    Meat that’s on sale

    So once upon a time she gave me a list like that and I made my best guess. Got a glass jar of olives that had pits. She wanted a can of sliced black olives. The pizza took a little more work that night but all is well now that I’m in charge of all the groceries and cooking.

  • Har Har Har my husband cannot feed himself and when he goes on his own because I am busy and want to relax he called 800 times so I never ask him to go on his own again!

  • My wife and I equally meal plan and grocery shop. The problem is, she’s not very specific when she makes the grocery list. I used to call her all the time for more information, she got annoyed and I got annoyed having to do it so frequently… so now I just get the first thing I see that’s close enough and then when she gets annoyed I got the wrong thing I just point to the obscure ingredient list and shrug. I reduced the number of people getting annoyed by 50% which I think is pretty good.

    Examples I distinctly remember, she wanted to make chicken wings and just put “chicken” on the list, I got boneless chicken thighs cause they’re my favorite. Another example, one week in November she put “cranberries” I got dehydrated cranberries because, who the fuck eats fresh ripe cranberries? Well she wanted them for Thanksgiving. I just shrugged and told her to be more specific on the list.

  • I’m in my 40s and I’ve been self sufficient for decades…but I started grocery shopping for my parents during the pandemic and had to do the same thing. It was totally impossible for me to predict what things they would be brand loyal to and not want a substitute (Dole raisins for life, apparently) and what things they’d explicitly name a brand but not particularly care about. I had to FaceTime my mom multiple times to “prove” to her how bare the aisles were on 2020 and that the thing she wanted literally wasn’t available.

  • So I work in the grocery stores as a manager. You can always tell the men who get sent by their wives to do the “honeydew list”.

    -need any help sir?

    -yeah, can you tell me what the hell a radish looks like?

    -absolutely sir, let me take you right to it.

    They’re always the inside jokes that we tell to other managers or associates.

  • before i leave to go to the store.

    Do you need anything?


    Are you sure


    Five minutes after arriving…

    Are you still at the store?

    Yeah need something?

    Yeah, “xyz”

    Okay got it

    Take a picture, let me make sure it’s the right one

    *sends picture*

    No no, that’s not the right one. Take a picture of the shelf

    *walks back across the store, takes pictures*

    *incoming video call*

    Then I walk around the grocery store for 20 minutes gathering items

  • I do all the grocery shopping. My wife acts so fucking annoyed when she puts “canned tomatoes” on the list and then I call to ask whether she wants whole, whole peeled, crushed, diced, pureed, paste, stewed, or “it’s complicated”.

  • I know exactly what is going on. If my GF buy something on the list I will not care if it is version x or y of the same product but if I do the shopping and make on single mistake selecting the wrong product she will talk about it for a month.

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