My husband captured the solar eclipse today w/a solar filter on his phone
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My husband captured the solar eclipse today w/a solar filter on his phone
View Reddit by prima_facie2021 – View Source
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Edit: thank you commenters below. It is an annular eclipse which is described here: https://www.weather.gov/fsd/suneclipse#:~:text=An%20Annular%20solar%20eclipse%20is,long%20enough%20to%20reach%20Earth.
At its peak in the Bay Area Cali (I love how spooky it looks!
It’s an annular eclipse, not a solar eclipse
Edit: I mispelled annular
I’m loving all these eclipse photos people are posting.
Best picture I’ve seen yet! With a phone no less!!
Yooo, you gotta mark this as “NSFW”!! You aren’t supposed to stare into a solar eclipse without a filter!
>!/s, great picture! Looks pretty cool. !<