Your grandmother appears elegant here. Also, that couch and those curtains are among some of the finest Mid Century Modern items I’ve seen. September 24, 2023 at 2:14 am Reply
She looks like she’s tired of waiting on someone, likely named Frank, to finish getting ready so they can go. September 24, 2023 at 4:37 am Reply
How pretty! She puts me in the mind of Elizabeth Taylor with the milk creamy skin & dark hair. September 24, 2023 at 5:51 am Reply
There’s so many great things going on in this picture. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us. September 24, 2023 at 6:22 am Reply
That earring weighs a kilo, easy. Ferengis have to work for years to develop that lobe strength!! September 24, 2023 at 12:45 pm Reply
She is stunning but , no offence to your grandmother, that dress looks like those cupie dolls they put over toilet rolls. Sorry that’s the way my mind works September 24, 2023 at 9:18 pm Reply
I would love to know what this was scanned from, the lack of grain has me assuming its a medium format film. September 25, 2023 at 7:32 am Reply
I’m gonna go back in time and be your grandfather.
Your grandmother appears elegant here. Also, that couch and those curtains are among some of the finest Mid Century Modern items I’ve seen.
Came to say that this photo screams 1950’s
Stunning !
She looks like she’s tired of waiting on someone, likely named Frank, to finish getting ready so they can go.
Hubba Hubba
How pretty! She puts me in the mind of Elizabeth Taylor with the milk creamy skin & dark hair.
There’s so many great things going on in this picture. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.
That’s a perfect photo!
Ava Gardner, move over!
Wow! This looks like such a professional shoot!
That earring weighs a kilo, easy. Ferengis have to work for years to develop that lobe strength!!
Looks like dress weighs more than her..
Very beautiful picture
I love her nail polish shade.
Now That Is A 👗!
She is stunning but , no offence to your grandmother, that dress looks like those cupie dolls they put over toilet rolls. Sorry that’s the way my mind works
She was the first super model.
Senior Prom attractiveness.
I would love to know what this was scanned from, the lack of grain has me assuming its a medium format film.
Yo! Yo granny melting