Monday, March 10All That Matters

My girlfriend’s Dad was given this card at a veteran’s day breakfast…


My girlfriend’s Dad was given this card at a veteran’s day breakfast…


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  • “Even if you think you’re ugly, or disgusting, or lower than dog shit like the worst thing on earth. No matter how low you feel, if you feel so worthless you ought to have never been born…”

    Like damn, chill TF out there kid.






    Hit ’em wit’ it!



  • Just a few hours ago, my 7-year-old daughter handed me a letter she wrote to me for Veterans Day. Part of it thanked me for “sacrificing my life” and I had to stifle my laughter as I thanked her for the sweet gesture. I’m still alive! Haha.

    Reminded me of when I was deployed to Iraq and we would receive letters from elementary school kids. Some of them were hilarious: oddly-worded messages with funny (dark humor) implications, adorable/terrifying drawings, and my favorite: a girl who wrote something like, “I have seven uncles and eight aunts. Their names are…” and proceeded to list them all. Like okay kid, I get that you had to write a letter with a minimum number of words, but c’mon! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

    Anyway, kids are funny.

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