I got Hades on Xbox Game Pass a while ago, but I haven’t played it in forever up until last weekend. I’ve since beaten the game on 13 heat with 14 successful runs. My fastest time is (if I recall) a 31:38. My next goal is to unlock all the >!hidden aspects, but I only have aspect of Guan Yu right now!<
I got Hades on Xbox Game Pass a while ago, but I haven’t played it in forever up until last weekend. I’ve since beaten the game on 13 heat with 14 successful runs. My fastest time is (if I recall) a 31:38. My next goal is to unlock all the >!hidden aspects, but I only have aspect of Guan Yu right now!<
How many years apart is that? Like 4?
Hades is amazing
Lego batman the videogame is the shit
Glad to see you’re now playing *real* videogames
>!like Lego Batman!<
Your first game was a 360 game? Making me feel so old, lmao. My first game was Super Mario 64. I’ll just shuffle off to the retirement home now.