Seriously though, Oggdo Bogdo had no business being this hard. But, I refused to leave until I beat him. Slightly embarrassed to say but it took me a solid hour to beat him. Mostly because the respawn / save spot to fight him again is farther away than it needs to be. But, I did it and it feels good.
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Nice job. I’m pretty sure it’s intended for you to come back and slay it later, but I was in the same boat. Can’t just let the thing kill you and get away with it.
Now you are ready for the real adventure
We are the same you and I.
You invaded his home and murder him, I’m sure he doesn’t like you either
He’s good practice for getting the flow of the game, thats why i like these early tougher bosses you’re typically intended to come back for, beat them and you just gave yourself the skillset needed for most of a game.
I actually liked how weak you start vs how much stronger you become.
When this game came out everyone was joking that Oggdo Bogdo should have been an inquisitor.
I’m something of an Oggdo Bogdo hater myself.
everyone hates that frog tbh.
Yeah this froggo sucked. I’m pretty sure I came back later after spending 40 minutes trying to beat him.
My 2nd play through I stuck around to beat him the 1st time. It’s all about those dodges!
I sadly ruined this fight for myself by accidentally trivializing it coming the roof way. That overhead slash or whatever it’s called was a bit too strong.
I finished the game and came back to fight this mf and still lost
Edit: in general, not just froggo. Froggo was a dastardly bastard in general
A word of advice I wish I’d had during my first run:
Learn to properly use your lightsaber forms and transition attacks. The right saber type makes a world of difference.
I enjoy fighting the Empire far more than the creatures
yeah the frog was a huge difficulty spike. I spent probably a good hour and a half trying to beat it after initially discovering that planet.
You can get a leap attack from the ceiling for about a third of it’s health bar.
This boss had no business being in early game like that. Just had to kick it’s ass. Stupid ass space frog.
After I died about 10 times I found you can cheese it by standing in the doorway and popping in and out. He was so hard in the beginning. Giving me PTSD. Lol
Did you know about the hole in the roof that lets you get a sneak attack?
PS; Who liked this comment enough to give me my first award?
Good good, let the hate flow through you.
Once you get the hang of the mechanics, which is a hard learning curve, was a peice of cake. I killed him before I got the health stims in my last playthrough 😇
Oggdo was BS. There was no ramp up, just a solid wall smack. Caused me to drop it down into story mode, which kinda made it too easy after that.
I played Fallen Order on Jedi Master and spent at least three days trying to beat all the major bosses (except for a recurring 2v1 battle that I never managed to win since it randomly spawns in different locations).
I really hope in survivor they let you choose where you save. Having set save points is really annoying
Just wait til you find the Rabid Jotaz
Ogdo Bogdo is the hardest boss in the game change my mind.
the time-honored tradition of new players fighting the bonus boss in the first world through sheer stubbornness even tho you’re clearly meant to come back later lol
edit- im not talking about souls players, i’m talking about Fallen Order players specifically. shock of all shocks, i’m aware that not everyone who played Jedi: Fallen Order plays other soulslike games, because i’m one of them. and yes, i also took forever trying to kill this fuck my first time on Bogano.
Missed opportunity if the sequel doesn’t have a boss named “Son of Oggdo Bogdo the Unyielding”
I love everytime a new player comes to complain about Oggdo Boggdo, makes me feel incredibly justified.