Had a collection of games on floppy discs but this was my go to. Also full throttle and sam and max hit the road were up there. Had so much fun as a kid playing them.
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Had a collection of games on floppy discs but this was my go to. Also full throttle and sam and max hit the road were up there. Had so much fun as a kid playing them.
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I wish I still had them, I always had a copy of it and it looked interesting but i never ended up playing it.
Holy crap. Thanks for the nostalgia
One of my favorite games of all time. So funny.
Great game! Was just telling a gen z Gamer about it lol.
Knock over speaker and play the music to dislodge the barf from the ceiling. Instant recall. Amazing game
The game contained the whole predecessor Manic Mansion. The game was 6 years old at the time but it’s still surprising what a huge jump there was between the games.
Few things excited me as a child as getting my hands on a talkie version of an adventure game. Both DotT and Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father were totally transformed when I got the disc versions.
Best game ever
I was stuck for so long on this game that I finally caved and ordered the official walkthrough book. Mind you, back then that meant sending a letter with money or payment details (can’t remember which, my parents probably took on that part) to the company and then waiting for them to send back the product. It took several weeks.
A day before the book arrived I solved the last riddle that had me stumped (use physics book with horse) and finished the game. But it was still worth it. Alongside the riddle helpers it had the whole story of the game written from Bernard’s perspective. Very funny.
If you want more of similar from Ron Gilbert, check out The Cave. It was a fun playthrough where you switch between characters much like DotT and MM.
I got stuck, I had searched everywhere. I had found everything but I couldn’t progress. I was stuck for months. I had missed the plans in the basement on the bulletin board.
How you know I like this game.
Awsome adventure game
In a game called “Zombies ate my neighbors.” For the super Nintendo.
There was a easter egg level called
“Day of the tentacle”
Which appeared that exact tentacle on the front cover.
Where you had to fight/dodge tentacles jumping around. And save your neighbors at the same time.
That’s a stupid thing to do with a perfectly good pair of chattering teeth!
Man, this and Full Throttle are the only ones I missed out of that whole bunch. I have the fondest memories of those times, even though I can’t play point and click adventures anymore.
Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle and Full Throttle. Such amazing games. Loved FT though, not being a nerd in the game just seemed so left field somehow! Also the voice actors in it!
This game rulez
Man I loved the Lucasarts games like this. Maniac Mansion / Monkey Island / Grim Fandango / Full Throttle / Sam and Max…
To take a step further back Loom / Zak McKracken
LucasArts and Sierra games were just so good.
Dude I LOVED this game as a kid! So many playthroughs. This and Indiana Jones Lost City of Atlantis and Sam and Max were my favorites.
Deep nostalgia when I think about this game. LucasArts!!
Excuse me what!?
Loved Maniac mansion on Nintendo. Was obsessed
I had such a good time with this game I discovered it with Prime Gaming.
I distinctly remember using a Borders gift card I had gotten for Christmas when I was like 10 to pick up a “Lucas Arts Adventure Pack” of games on clearance.
I got this, Sam and Max Hit the Road, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Rebel Assault, and a sample disc with previews of The Dig and Full Throttle.
DOTT and Indy were my favorites of the bunch and I played the shit out of those games. Still probably my favorite LucasArts games outside of KOTOR.