That’s quite accurate! I love how you can see the broken bridge and the plateau/volcano area, also great job with painting the fog over the trees, it gives just the right feels. Bonus points because it is my favourite view of the game. Well done !
That’s fantastic brother. It looks great. Would love to pick your brain on its creation if you’re up for it. I hope you do more paintings like this mate
Honestly just one of the most beautiful games I’ve played. The architecture of buildings make them so amazing to look at, and every single little area has scenic views. This game was a fresh break from what I usually play, it was really nice to enjoy even if I didn’t get too far. Definitely a seriously good game
Elden Ring in and off itself looks like a collection of paintings and you managed to translate that into the real world with this painting. It looks fantastic my guy.
Painting i made a couple of months ago.
Painted with acrylics on a 80x100cm canvas
Hope you like it 🙂
that’s dope af
Dude that’s freaking awesome!
Definitely would frame that and display it in the most visible of areas!
God damn you are talented!
That looks incredible m8, keep it up 😀
Love the strokes, very inspiring!
This looks really stellar! great job
That looks rad. Now post it again with your wife/girlfriend/daughter/sister holding it instead of you to rake in the sweet karma.
That’s awesome! How many times did you die painting it?
Beautiful art of a beautiful game, well done!
This is awesome dude! Congrats!!
That’s quite accurate! I love how you can see the broken bridge and the plateau/volcano area, also great job with painting the fog over the trees, it gives just the right feels. Bonus points because it is my favourite view of the game. Well done !
Very awesome art… what do you drop when I find you sitting in the chair?
I don’t like Elden Ring but the painting is amazing. You should try a RDR2 one
This exact scene, from my playthrough was my desktop bg for a bit. Nice job on the painting
This is the place I love to end playthroughs at
Sir this is absolutely beautiful
Holy shit this is awesome man, well done!
No tits I say max 700 likes
Looks amazing bro, good job!!
This shit came out incredible. Well done.
That’s fantastic brother. It looks great. Would love to pick your brain on its creation if you’re up for it. I hope you do more paintings like this mate
NICE. Epic painting for an epic game.
Great painting.
Shouldn’t you be defending Ukraine right now?
Beating Godrick and walking out to this view… Still one of my favorite wow moments in gaming. Amazing depiction of it.
Honestly just one of the most beautiful games I’ve played. The architecture of buildings make them so amazing to look at, and every single little area has scenic views. This game was a fresh break from what I usually play, it was really nice to enjoy even if I didn’t get too far. Definitely a seriously good game
That’s great, I really love those colours!
Nice for you to take a break from being the president of Ukraine to paint this.
Man the first time you saw this was breathtaking. You captured that perfectly, bravo!
Amazing! Great work.
Amazing! How long did that take?
That’s absolutely stunning! Wonderful job!
How long did it take to paint such a masterpiece?
This is awesome!
I love the little details you included like the radiator in the background, the mirror and the dark patches under the dudes eyes.
That’s a nice painting and all but focus on the war bro!
Jeez that’s terrible. How about I pay for the shipping and you can send it to me for appropriate disposal on my wall. JK. Fuckin sick, mate.
Elden Ring in and off itself looks like a collection of paintings and you managed to translate that into the real world with this painting. It looks fantastic my guy.
Good job Mr. President. I presume the Russian war is all sorted in Ukraine then?