My daughter made “ground meat” rice krispy treats. (OC)
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My daughter made “ground meat” rice krispy treats. (OC)
View Reddit by NBD2016 – View Source
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Helluva job. I scrolled to this picture and immediately thought “forks in raw meat…what’s this comment section going to look like?”
Wow, that’s pretty convincing!
wow that’s brilliant
I can’t tell that that’s not ground meat. Kiddo could definitely have a future in realistic confectionaries and/or horror props.
Thanks, I hate it!
Is it just food colouring? The colour is PERFECT! 👌🏼
recipe please?
Wow…with that sheen it might work for brains too…nice!!
Looks real to me.
You know that raw ground beef with a pinch of salt is delicious?
This image raised a lot of questions in my head before I read the title. So convincing!
They look legit asf, talented lady you have there even if it is just some cripies and food dye?
Fooled me for a second. Great work!
Ooo Flamin’ Hot Rice Crispies.
Now that’s good. Like others have said, I thought this was a joke of someone just putting meat on a plate.
Your daughter is a delightful genius
Throw them on rye bread with raw onion and you have a cannibal sandwich
So creative… and WAY safer than serving real ground beef. My parents had a dickens of a time keeping me from eating raw meat while I was growing up. Typically game but I remember getting scolded over hamburger too.
Totally fooled me. Even after reading the title. I’m thinking, I see meat balls, where are the rice crispy treats? Really great work. The texture and color are really amazing.
I am from Germany and at first I didnt understand why this would be a halloween thing to do, since we eat raw pork like that, it’s delicious!
If you are interested Google “Mett” or “Mettbroetchen”
I’m not sure how I feel about this, nicely done!
That looks perfect!
Ze Germans would eat it either way.
I had to zoom in to make sure because I didn’t believ you at first 🤣
Id be disappointed to taste these as a German
Could you lay out what she did to make them look like that? My buddy does a Halloween party every year and I shared this with him and now we’d like to have it on the menu next yr. Thanks in advance if you can help us out.
Great eye for color she has. Those are spot-on.
lol I thought reddit was giving me random posts from the steaks subreddit again
Holy shit that’s realistic. I had to zoom in a lot to see the individual Rice Krispies to make sure
Look disgusting. I bet they taste good!
Nice try op, you are not making me eat raw meat.