My dad’s final hospital bill got reduced by $300,000
View Reddit by kathylee34 – View Source
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My dad’s final hospital bill got reduced by $300,000
View Reddit by kathylee34 – View Source
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Good news brotha that was a high bill god damn.
Here’s an idea: consumers SHALL NEVER be charged more for any line item on a hospital, doctor, urgent care, ER or other medical-related bill than the lowest price paid to any insurance company over the last 12 months.
There is no reason that insurance companies should have any more bargaining power than the general public.
First of all ı hope your father gets well soon. Second of all what happened to him to and why did that bill says 312491,63 as a total charge. what did they do?
you can buy a house in the country with that much money…
Ahh I see he got a house installed in his leg. Hopefully that procedure went well.
So very sorry for your loss. We dealt with a similar situation. Only reason they did not charge us $500k+ is because the hospital was responsible for our mother’s death. Nurses did not take precautions for keeping our delirious mother in bed, fell, brain injury, death.
Hospital bills are wild, and then they do their voodoo accounting afterwards. My hospital bill after brain surgery was nearly $1,000,000. I think I paid maybe 3 or 4k in the end.
I love living in Europe where all health care and dental is free.. this is…America I guess?
Drive or fly to Canada. Even the ‘uninsured tourist rate’ looks like the discounted version of this bill.
Sorry about your dad. In Australia we all pay 2% of our taxable income and health care is free. Commie’s maybe but at least we are not afraid to go to the doctor
Is this a tax dodge for Hospital Corp?
So they can put it in their accounts as a $300k “loss” to reduce their taxable profit.
I feel like they just pull large numbers out of a hat
All I see is another indictment of the US healthcare system. It’s mental!
Omg whats wrong with US healtcare system? You guys should change the system for sure …In europe in almost all contires has a free healthcare system (okay its not free because you pay it from your salary i n every month but its not an optional ) i could not imagine to get this pay check …
It’s amazing how easy it is to be an insurance company. People pay you. You cover nothing. You provide nothing. You get rich off of the mandatory need for insurance.
America is great.
This is where we’re heading, fellow UK redditors.
OP, I’m very sorry for your loss. 💜
The modern hell scape that is American healthcare
I partially amuputed my ring finger and it was around 1,000.00 for the ER for a tetanus shot and Neosporin and infection medication on my finger.
I about didn’t go and just go home because I knew Neosporin would be all I need..
My insurance covered everything and I do live in the US..
Our health care is BS…
Women can get free baby care up until the baby is born but if you injury yourself even the tiniest bit you are looking at thousands and thousands unless you die then they have no choice but to disregard the bill.
what procedure did he have?
This is not the final bill. You can get it reduced more.
How do you die and still owe a bill. Healthcare is a joke in the US
Sorry bro. My dad died 3 weeks ago too. Hope you find closure and your family is good
That was for two tylenols
Despite what you hear on Reddit, this is common.
I bet they didn’t reduce it a cent below his “Out of pocket maximum,” though.
That’s how you know the prices are all completely arbitrary, and just designed to milk patients for anything they can get.
This is a HUGE tip for those with big medical bills.
Our system is so screwed up that people can’t afford to pay. Which means hospitals often don’t get paid at all for their services.
After all, if you can’t pay $100,000, why bother paying even $1,000?
So what you can do is call them up, talk to them, negotiate. They’d much rather get paid something, compared to nothing, or compared to having it to to debt collection and getting almost nothing.
It’s not as extreme as some others, but had a friend a long time ago with at $35,000 bill, which he negotiated down to about $4,000.
As someone with a current hospital bill I’m really happy for your dad and wish I could only have to pay nearly $2000
healthcare in the US is fucked up.
US is such a crazy place…
As a chronically ill Norwegian, I can’t imagine having to pay for healthcare. I’d be dead long time ago if I were living overseas.
Healthcare is all a game
100% located in America. The healthcare system in our country is one huge scam. Needs a complete overhaul.
I have a friend who got a 1mil bill for back surgery. They said one doctor involved was out of network even though he checked network status of all docs going in. He refused to pay. It took – a year. Eventually they sent him a bill with a 1mil adjustment. He had to pay $10. Yeah only in America. System is busted.
Not sure how but someti.es, just sometimes, I feel that the essence of insurance is simply a fraud in and of its ownself. Thereby massively contributing to the all these financial messy-ness. The economy is so messed up right now, more than it’s ever been
i’m sick to my stomach trying to process how they’d charge over $300k in the first place
Sorry for your loss, OP.
Since I learned what giving birth in the US costs compared to Germany (FYI its around 18k in the US and a comparable birth with stay in germany is around 3k), I can only shake my head at these numbers.
Standards are pretty similar in both countries as far as I am aware, with both having pros and cons.
But even if insurance wasn’t mandatory in germany, it would hurt but wouldn’t potentially ruin my life financially.