Tuesday, March 4All That Matters

My dad at the Duchess of Gloucester House, a hostel for paraplegics in Isleworth, London, in the early 1970s


  • Known as ‘the DOG house’, my dad had been referred there by the Stoke Mandeville spinal unit, like most residents. I believe it’s now Isleworth Crown Court. (Side note: my dad, who passed in ’01, met Jimmy Saville many times and said he hated the man. Apparently he would show up extremely intoxicated and liked to jump on patients’ beds, while they were laying in them.)

    My dad had suffered spinal injuries after crashing his Harley Davidson into a parked milk float (don’t feel bad for chuckling at that). He was told by doctors he’d spend the rest of his life flat on his back, staring at the ceiling, to which he replied “no, I won’t”, and wheeled himself out of the hospital two weeks later.

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