My boyfriend and I are having our first Christmas since we moved in together. This is our Christmas tree. We’re young and poor.
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My boyfriend and I are having our first Christmas since we moved in together. This is our Christmas tree. We’re young and poor.
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Young and poor but have great taste.
I have been there! My husband and I started broke with nothing. Happy holidays! You have love and that will get you through!
Amazing! Merry first Christmas!! All the best.
My wife and I have a great assortment of ornaments in the 40 years we’ve been together. This is a great building of memories for you. Every year get that one ornament that will be packed away with the collection growing every year.

Although you might be financially poor, what matters most is you have each other, there’s love between you, and you have a lifetime ahead of you with experiences that will be shared with someone that cares.
You can make great ornaments with toiletpaper and aluminiumfoil. It’s time for diy. Will be the best christmastree ever.
You have EVERYTHING if there is love in your home.
Merry Christmas! My wife and I started out this way. We started by getting each other an ornament every year as part of our presents. Now our whole family does it and our tree is not only gorgeous, but means something personal to us all.
When my wife and I first started out, we, too, were poor students. Our first Christmas decoration was a Santazailla (Godzilla with a red hat and a beard). We bought that 42 years ago and it still adorns our Christmas Village every year.
And someday it will be your most memorable xmas- bet on it.
He-Man does not approve.
It’s perfect. The good news is that love and happiness are free. And it sounds like you have plenty. ♥️
The first Christmas that my now husband and I lived together we waited until a day or two after Christmas and then bought ornaments and decorations on clearance to use the following year. Stores will deeply discount all their holiday stuff to get it out the door.
Young and poor? Skeletor!
Not to worry! It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago my wife and I were in that same boat. Believe me when I say that before you know it you’ll be like us now too.
Old and poor.
Merry Christmas! And don’t be so negative–you are young and ~~poor~~ just starting out!
But ..you have skeletor!
When we were young and poor we decorated our tree with popcorn garlands and paper snowflakes. I have good memories of the snowflake making in particular.
Those are the best holidays, when all you had was each other and that’s all you need.
You are rich. You have love and each other. Merry Christmas.
“We’re young and poor.” At least you’re not alone this Christmas season! Cheers! You have all you need.
Whenever we visit a place the first thing my wife and I look for in the gift shop is an ornament. Our tree is filled with memories of the last 15 years and all of the places we have been. I was just telling my wife the other day that my current favorite on the tree is a small metal cable car. It is from a trip to El Paso where we rode the Wyler Aerial Tramway with 2 of our boys. This is one of my favorite traditions.
Additionally, we both brought a lot of ornaments into the relationship because both of our parents had the same tradition. They would buy their children a new ornament every year and give it as a gift at Christmas. When the children leave home, they take their ornaments with them. This means that there are a lot of Star Wars and Star Trek ornaments on our tree from my contribution.
Feel free to steal these traditions from me.
That’s the only ornament you need, OP!
Thrift stores are a great place to find Christmas decorations!!! I won’t buy them anywhere else
When I was single. I had a Christmas theme party and encouraged everyone to bring an ornament to place on the tree. Really fun and hilarious what people brought
You can always cut up junk mail into strips that you make into a big chain, like a kiddie craft. Now you got garland!
Such an awesome and memorable figurine to start your new yearly collection. “Until we meet again”
Are you poor? You sound rich in many other ways….
Jokes on them, you are into this shit.
He has conquered the tree. It is his domain alone. Driven his enemies away. Exactly how he wishes it to be!
We had a few Christmases like that. For the next 40 years, we collected ornaments. Whenever either of us traveled anywhere, we looked for and brought home a couple of ornaments. Whenever a church group or youth group sold ornaments for a fundraiser, we bought some. We inherited some. There are a lot of angels.
At some point, we bought an artificial tree with maximum number of tips (more than 3000, I think) to hang ornaments on. A few years later, we bought a power rotating tree stand, so we could use the entire circumference of the tree. This year, it took two days to hang ornaments on the tree. And we didn’t use them all. The tree got full and we got tired. After Christmas, it will take two days to put them away.
But each one has a story, and a memory.
I highly recommend that you should start collecting ornaments. In ten years, your tree will be beautiful. In fifty years, it will be a PITA to set up and put away, but it will still be beautiful.
Let’s see, you have each other, a shared space, and a Christmas tree. Looks like you have everything you need for your first Christmas, in your new place. Congratulations!!!
Btw, that’s a beautiful Christmas tree. “Witness this moment, Eternia! This moment where the powers of Greyskull will become yours for eternity!”
My little sister is starting with her first tree this year. She took old Christmas cards and cut out the pictures she liked from them, and put hooks on them and hung them from the tree. I thought that was brilliant! Stars, bells, penguins, etc
Ya know, some people are so poor that all they have is their money.
By the power of grayskull, I hope you have a merry Christmas!
I’ve got a couple ideas from when me and my husband had our first Xmas together. If you artistic or not grab some construction paper and make some festive shapes. Popcorn is a good one! We (my family) did that when I was young.
Congratulations on your first Christmas together. I hope love and happiness follow you both everywhere. Merry Christmas (your the first person I said that too. Kinda skipping Christmas this year)
You’re doing ok
String some popcorn on that bitch