Mr. T explains why he wears mismatched shoes [1989]
Mr. T explains why he wears mismatched shoes [1989] from OldSchoolCool
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Mr. T explains why he wears mismatched shoes [1989]
Mr. T explains why he wears mismatched shoes [1989] from OldSchoolCool
View Reddit by BleachPollyPepper – View Source
That outfit is fly as fuck. Not those sunglasses though, you can burn those sunglasses bro!
What a fucking boss
“Team! Team, team, team, team, team. I even love saying the word ‘team’.
You probably think this is a picture of my family? No! It’s a picture of
The A-Team. Bodie, Doyle, Tiger, the Jewellery Man.”
There was a youth pastor I knew as a kid that wore a black and a white shoe as an example/reminder of how to follow Jesus. Something about “Get right with the light or get left in the dark.” But he wore them so the shoes were on the left and right of the person he was speaking to. So the white shoe was on his left foot so it would be on my right side. And vice versa with the black shoe. I don’t remember much about his church and do not follow any religion to this day, but I’ll always remember him telling us why he wore them that way.
Power of pity
I got a washed out T-Shirt with him on it.
Now I always feel happy when I put it on since I know what a nice person he is.
What a cool man it’s never gonna happen but I’d love to chat with him
Damn that got me in tears
Setting a good example for the kids, have to appreciate people that try to fix things so kids would not grow up in the same condition as they did
This is incredibly thoughtful.
i pity the fool that bullies a kid for mismatched shoes
Growing up I loved everything Mr. T was in. A-Team, cartoons, etc. Every once in awhile you’d catch interviews like this. You could tell there was something genuine there and that he really cared about kids, being a good role model in his own way. Sharing his confidence and encouraging others to set and meet their own goals. That is the epitome of old school cool to me.
Mix macked shoes
The black dame Edna everage
There is only one Aaaaaaaaaaaah MR T!!!!!
The yutes really need a Mr. T these days… Man, there really was never anyone else like him.
There’s always a part of me that’s wants to start dressing like Mr T
I saw an interview where he mentioned that the amount of gold he wore in a given appearance was based on how much he was being paid to be there.
This was not a cheap interview.
That’s the first time I’ve heard him speak English. In my country he’s always dubbed with a much deeper voice. His original voice sounds so much better.
He is demonstrably correct. The punk scene in the 70s, with kids wearing ripped jeans and pins to keep their shirts together, started because dead-broke musicians couldn’t afford new clothes.
Mr. T is a fantastic human being
Great guy,
I hope Blizzard/activision/microsoft (ownership keeps changing) brings back night elf mohawks when wrath re releases again. 😀
Back when it was cool for adults to support kids.
Cool guy
He is such an icon!
Beautiful person.
This is like Billy Madison peeing his pants because he’s cool like Miles Davis.
Nike saw this and thought “I’m gonna make shoes no kid could ever afford”
Rick Ross, Thundercat… I never realized their styles drew inspiration from Mr T
In 1992, I had a chance to sit next to Mr T on a plane flying out of chicago midway back home for spring break. I remember the year because I was reading the iliad for my freshman humanities class.
First off, Mr T was flying coach. He was in the cheap seats just like me. He struck up a conversation with me about my book, because he loved the Iliad. We talked most of the flight, and mostly about greek literature, and he is just an incredibly intelligent person. Before I got off the flight, he insisted on autographing my book.
Unfortunately, that copy was lost a long time ago when it got abandoned in a family storage unit. Hopefully it is still floating around somewhere with Mr T’s autograph in the front cover.
Where is Mr. T now? He was a big part of growing up! I hope he is well. I just loved the A Team.
Affluent moms of the time were forced to buy multiple colors of Converse Chucks for their blond headed little boys to keep up with this fad. I had no idea it came from Mr. T because I didn’t have Cable.
My signed picture of Mr. T is one of my most prized possessions and maybe the best gift my brother ever gave me