Mormon Church: “We don’t feel it’s secret, we feel it’s being confidential.” 60 Minutes: “What’s the difference?” Mormon Church: “Ummmm……”
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Mormon Church: “We don’t feel it’s secret, we feel it’s being confidential.” 60 Minutes: “What’s the difference?” Mormon Church: “Ummmm……”
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You expect them to know the meaning of words? They believe in a grifter who ‘translated’ rocks in a hat…
It’s a cult like every other cult. Some people believe that a dude died and came back to life with no evidence to support it other than it was written in a book so it must be true.
Philosophy vs religion.
Confidential has a much better connotation than secrets which sounds scandalous. It implies feelings of integrity, security and safety. But they can’t say that.
2 months ago: Feds fine Mormon church for illicitly hiding $32 billion investment fund behind shell companies [article](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/mormon-church-multibillion-investment-fund-sec-settlement-rcna71603)
With each passing year I become more pleased and validated in my decision to legally leave the LDS church and become an outspoken opponent to its very existence. The easiest way to become a more kind and moral person is to leave that awful organization.
Imagine having cornered the entertainment/lifestyle business with significant real estate holdings, assets, etc and customers come into your locations and provide payment for your “services” but it’s *tax free* because you call it a *donation* instead of a payment and you call them a *congregation* instead of customers.
“To be fair, we’re not used to people pushing back.”
Churches need to be taxed. This shit is getting ridiculous.
I get taxed harder than these grifters and I have 1000x less money than they do.
Well what was said after “um…?”
Why was the video cut off? What was his response?
I’m not defending him, but that cut made it sound like “um” was all he was going to say. Let the man speak before editing him off.
And what we do behind closed doors in bishops’ offices with youth interviews and in temple ceremonies is also not secret. These rites are sacred, not secret.
Pfffffft. XD
Just a reminder that the church has fought laws making their leadership mandatory reporters for child abuse and sexual assault. Their reasoning is, it’s a first amendment issue around religious freedom. They passed a law to, “protect our children,” by banning gender affirming care for minors, but voted down with a majority on forcing them to be mandatory reporters.
By US Govt standards the difference is ‘damage to national security’ (Confidential) vs. ‘serious damage to national security’ (Secret)
Why is this odd to 60 minutes? Confidentiality is like the modus operandi of corporations, governments, celebrities etc. For some reason I can’t post links but there are research articles that explain the difference.
Secrecy does not necessarily mean they’re doing something wrong.
Just because they presumably have nothing to hide doesn’t mean they have to tell the world everything that gets asked.
It is God’s plan for you to be ignorant about what we do with your money. Don’t ask questions, just pay your ‘tithe.”
I have so many questions about the LDS Church’s finances, but this is weak journalism:
7B from 15M is like $470/year? I pay more to my ISP.
They have their own investment firm? Don’t most large organizations do this to make the most of their money?
Is asking the difference between secret and confidential some sort of gotcha question? Especially when you bait everyone by not showing his response?
Why not ask why a church needs to own a news outlet or mall?
Why not ask more about the benefits of transparency, or the need for _complete_ confidentiality?
Why not interview the whistleblower or try to validate their allegations?
This is entertainment, not hard-hitting news, but maybe it will at least invite more scrutiny.
A secret is something you keep from others, confidential is something you keep for yourselves. People should hire me for this stuff, like shooting fish in a barrel with dynamite.
Mormonism was invented in upstate New York for two reasons. Swindle people, and rape kids. That’s it.
iT’s nOt SeCreT, it’S sAcReD
One word is nice, the other is icky.
The lowest forms of life on the planet.
They will accuse a person of molesting a child yet not tell the Parents or cops. They use the knowledge for harassment purposes. The child, they don’t care what happens to them.
Dog ugly indian did this – just the most despicable people you will have the misfortune meeting
This is gonna be a lovely comment section
The answer is just cut off.
There’s a lot of comments claiming that they “didn’t do anything illegal, they just didn’t disclose names”. And for what reason did they choose not to disclose names? Perhaps it is because if they did, they would not have been able to amass such a fortune? Think about it. There’s a reason they didn’t do something that was required by law.
I bow to the new God of semantics.
Hang these freaks out to dry. Predators and parasites
Brendan Flowers tricked you all into enjoying Mormon rock. I say we tell the Killers to fuck off from now on
I recently learned one of my coworkers on my team is Mormon, hard to take him as seriously now. It wouldn’t be that had but acting like you are the only one who know better while believing and obvious scam is asinine. That and you are baptizing people post mortem to save their souls just comes across as wrong
There is a difference but in this context it’s the same.
One is “we don’t want you to know” and the other is “it’s none of your business” although I don’t which is which.
Are churches not used primarily to hide money from government?
Is there a mirror for us Canucks?
Why do people think they can bullshit their way through a 60 Minutes interview? Have they not seen the show in the last 55 years?